Denied RazerJitter´s Staff Application [EU]


Known member
IGN (In-Game Name): RazerJitter

Age: 16

Timezone: GMT +1

Go you have any previous staff experience? (If so, list them below):

SagePvP (Proof, Proof)



Why would you like to become a staff member?:
First of all, I don't play HCF anymore.
I also would like to do something different than just play HCF.
I like to help people and I think that helping people is my thing.
I am also good at communicating. I like talking to people or helping them.
I can also record everything doesn't matter when and why
In my opinion, multitasking is very important. You have to be able to talk to the guy on TeamSpeak and spectate somebody else at the same time.
I want to spend my time helping the community, either just tping to guy when he says: Staff Tp cheater, or just moving TeamSpeak.
If I see somebody blatantly cheating, I will either just ban him or get him on TeamSpeak (depends on the situation)
I am always available for the EU people. Players can message me on Telegram or discord. I know how it feels to wait in an overfilled support room and how frustrating it is.
You will always find some toxic people ( like me before) but I think that every staff member needs to know how to deal with them.
I learn from my mistakes. Don't mind if I get a strike for a good reason. Strikes are there to help staff and to improve themselves.
This might sound crazy but I think that being staff on Sage can help me in my future. How? Talking and knowing people's problems is a really good thing. When I get a real-life job later, some skills that I learned from your server will help me. Either just talking to people or helping them with something.
I am also good at quick-thinking. I will find a solution in a short time.
I feel like I have a lot of good things to offer, and I want to spend my spare time on Sage to become a better community for all of us. I want to be able to implement all the rules of the server that are possible. I would be active all the time on TeamSpeak and Discord servers, just as in the Games and forums. I want to be sure that all of your time goes to an odd and reliable network and to entertain without a "lazy" and no "toxic" players.
I want to be able to implement as many rules as possible.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

I would move players from the support rooms as fast as possible.
I would talk to the players and help them with their problems.
Tp-ing to people and at least msg them when they need staff is also important.
I already was staff on SagePvP so I know what to expect from the players

I can spend a lot of my time on the server helping out players in team speak or in-game. I will never go play any other servers at all if I know that Staff members need some help.

I know a lot of cheats and how to find them. I can tell when somebody is using any kids of cheats or clients. I will never ban anybody without a really good proof or cheats found in SS (or if he admits)

Mature is important. I will always be respectful to everybody players and staff members. When you are respectful people will also be respectful to you

Can any current staff members vouch for you?:


Additional Infomation?:

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Established member

Got demoted/resigned on Sage, go to FaithfulMC get denied there and now re-applying again here.

Good luck, Vaht


Veteran Member

Well first u applied on Faithfulmc and then later u tryna re-apply here but its aight



Established member

Banned my friend for Block Glitching then said oh wait it wasn't him but didn't care then didn't get someone to unban him so he had to wait 24 hours out.. good retard


Well-known member

- By all the replies I can tell that your unprofessional, if it’s really true that you recently got denied on FaithfulMC then your kind of a server hopper. I suggest you to wait atleast 2weeks before applying on another server.



- By all the replies I can tell that your unprofessional, if it’s really true that you recently got denied on FaithfulMC then your kind of a server hopper. I suggest you to wait atleast 2weeks before applying on another server.
+1 Kinomu's reply