Denied Qranges Application (US)


New member
Staff Application Format:
IGN (In-Game Name): Qranges
Region (EU/NA/Other):NA
Do you have any previous staff experience?:
Kingdoms HCF - Moderator
Creed - Admin
During my time on these servers, I was committed and I was in my eyes a good staff member, I wish to keep this going onto the Sage Network and not let you down.

Why would you like to become a staff member?: I would like to become a staff member on the SagePvP Network as I feel I can further develop my experience and skills on the server. I also don't see a lot of NA Trial Moderators at the minute, which further extends my point of developing skills as a staff member as I can prove to you my activity and overall ability as a staff is worth choosing over others. I love playing on Sage and consistently uploading on the server, however, I would be more than happy to let this go to work as a staff member for you.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: I will be active exceeding the playtime expected of my rank. I will be committed ONLY to Sage and this will not change. I know others get bored over time of working for a server, however, I am here to show you that this will not be the case with me. Being a staff member, to me at least is a luxury, and being given this luxury I have to upkeep the minimum expectations although as I said before I will exceed these.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? 9, I give myself a 9 because it is impossible to be 100% honest all the time, however when faced with a situation that is difficult I will uphold this standard of honesty and will promise to not let you down.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional) Crent

Additional Information?: Thank you for your time in reading this.


Your application doesn't meet the word requirements and it looks like you didn't put any effort into it at all. Everything looks very short, almost like you tried to speed through the questions


Thank you for taking the time to apply, but unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with it at this time.