Denied PingLagger (Netherlands) Staff Application

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New member
IGN (In-Game Name):

PingLagger | Minecraft profile | NameMC
Region (EU/NA/Other):

EU ( Netherlands )
Do you have any previous staff experience?: ( Old Sage ) - Resigned
FiercePvP - Moderator - Resigned
GerriePvP - Helper - Resigned
AdeptMC - Helper - Resigned
GreekHCF - Head-Admin - Resigned
FenixMC - Moderator - Resigned
HazeServer Network - Admin - Server Closed
HCRival - Moderator - Resigned
BudderPvP - Helper - Demoted
VexusPvP - Manager - Server closed
PvPTemple - Moderator - Resigned - Senior Admin Resigned
HCNations - Trial Moderator - Resigned

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
The reason why I want to become staff on SagePvP is that I think that I can learn a lot form being a staff member here, Also I think with the things I have learned in the past I would be enabled to help out with a lot of staff jobs like ScreenSharing, Muting Toxic Players, Being active in Teamspeak, discord, and ingame. Also, i would be an honor to be staff on the SagePvP network. another thing that is making me apply is that I want to make the HCF Community less toxic And want to remove the cheaters from the server, to do that I will need to be really active on the server and that will not be a problem at all I will be enabled to be almost online everyday 5/6 hours. And the last reason is that I want to come back to staffing on Minecraft HCF servers.
If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

I would make sure people are not waiting long in the TeamSpeak server for support, Because I know how it feels if you need to wait for support for a long time in a TeamSpeak server. Aswell i will be trying to ban as many hackers as i can. And mute as many toxic players. But the most important one is that i will always be kind to everyone. I will not make fun of people, yell at people, or anything else.
If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

I am almost always honest only if i get scared of something i sometimes lie. But most of the time i am a really honest person. And will not lie to people fast.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?:

321Maxm ( I used to know him from FenixMC, [We where staff together] )
Additional Information?:

Do you Have any punishments on the network: Yes, that is from a long time ago.

Why should we accept you over other Applicants?:
I should be accepted as a staff member over someone else because:

1. Experience: I have a good amount of staff experience, with that i can do my staff job really well since i have almost done everything already.

2. Maturity: I am a really professional and mature person, that will always do as I'm told. And will never be toxic towards anyone.

3. Activity: I am really active on all platforms: Discord, TeamSpeak, Forums, and Ingame ( Minecraft Server ). I can spend around 5/6 hours daily on all of these platforms. By doing this i will be enabled to help out a lot of people. So they will enjoy SagePvP even more.

Can you record?:
Yes, i can record.

Do you have discord, Telegram, and TeamSpeak?:
Yes, i have Discord, Telegram, and TeamSpeak.

Discord: Sander#1866
Telegram: @PingLagger
Thank you for reading my staff application. And I wish everyone the best rest of their day.


Established member
(-) Little to no detail
(-) Provided no proof
(-) Just overall not what sage may be looking for.


Thanks for taking the time to create an application, but I won't be moving forward with it at this time. Please add some more content.
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