Denied past's staff application


New member
bruh stop defending urself the only 2 +1s you got were your friends 1 other neutral and all the others are -1 LMAO


IGN (In-Game Name):


Region (EU/NA/Other):

Do you have any previous staff experience?:

GrimHCF Platform-Admin (no proof)
My main job there was kinda just helping set up crates and helping build KOTHS and stuff. Senior Mod (no proof)
Mostly just rolling peoples bases back / inventories, a lot of banning cheaters cause their anti-cheat wasn't that good lol, mostly support rooms.

HCClans Mod
A lot of banning cheaters cause there was a bad anti-cheat, rolling back a lot of inventories, mostly support rooms.

ZoraPvP Senior Mod
Server only did 2-3 Beta's then shut down. While it was up it was a lot of discord tickets, support rooms, and banning cheaters.

EclipsePvP Admin (no proof, ask Onien, owner of zorapvp)
AU Server so I wasn't really on much cause when I was on there would be like 5 players max, if my sleep schedule was messed up though I would definitely be on when there was like 30-40 players. My job was mostly support rooms, granting some media / buycraft ranks, rolling back bases and inventories, and just banning cheaters.

CavePvP T-Mod (this was back in like 2018, I left in like 2 days cause the server was run by 12 year olds who just constantly screamed at us for no reason)
While I was staff I just did a lot of support rooms and banning cheaters.

FatePvP Mod+
My job here was basically just the same as every other server. Did a lot of support rooms and banning cheaters, also rolled back a lot of inventories.

Glacial Senior Mod (ask xylem or any other owner / manager)
For the 6+ months I was at glacial, I helped a lot behind the scenes with management and ownership as we grew closer, a lot (at least 30+ a day) of support rooms, banning cheaters. They had a alright anti-cheat so it was kinda rare to have blatant cheaters but when we did I punished them accordingly, immediately.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I've been playing sage for a couple months now and as a player here are some things I noticed needed improvement that I could be capable of helping with. The wait time in TeamSpeak can be incredibly long. Even if it is prime hours for sage where most staff should be on, it can still take up to 15+ minutes to get moved. The amount of fights that get cleaned and no one is punished / revived is amazing. It seems as if literally no staff watch citadel / KOTH's most of the time. To be honest I'd just say a lack of punishments in general as well. The point I'm trying to get across here is, these can and should be easily fixed. If I was accepted I would make sure that most of the things that I can handle with will be done quick and efficiently. I have plenty of experience so I'm very familiar with all the necessary commands and just common sense. I know what to look for in certain cheaters to be sure that they're actually cheating and just rule breakers in general.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
Like stated above, I would be actively monitoring koths / citadels, along with other players on the server. I'm extremely active so the wait time in TeamSpeak (of stuff that I can handle with anyway) would be decreased immensely. Along with like I said before, the overall punishments that need to be administered. Since I'm insanely active the players' won't ever have to worry about being revived or anything that usually takes a very long time for no apparent reason. Also they would just be glad to come in teamspeak and get moved by a polite, efficiently helping staff member. I could also help other newer staff that aren't very good at staffing, the basic commands they need to know and how to help players quickly and efficiently. I can also help management come up with new ideas when it comes to gameplay on the server or maybe even some plugins / core config changes.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
Everyone is human so we're not perfect, we all lie sometimes if not all the time. Personally, I would rate my honesty an 8/10. Why? I'm an honest person, I'll admit to any mistakes or anything against the rules of being a staff member. There's really just no point in lying cause 9 times out of 10 you're just going to get caught anyway. Only other times I would lie would maybe be if someone was to ask for really personal information.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)
I don't believe so.

Can you meet the weekly requirement of a minimum of 12 hours playtime per map? (If you cannot meet this then your application will automatically be denied.)
Absolutely, I am on minecraft probably 6+ hours of my day cause it's something I passionately enjoy playing / doing.

What is your telegram @?:


Additional Information?:
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Leave any suggestions / flaws in the comments. <3

- Love, past.
  1. "Don't list vouches from people who aren't staff"
  2. "Don't get friends to vouch"
  3. "Don't use color schems"
    1- Also lacks ability to see certain things


bruh stop defending urself the only 2 +1s you got were your friends 1 other neutral and all the others are -1 LMAO
? The only +1 from a friend was bike, and even then I did not go out of my way to ask for him to +1, he found the post on his own.


  1. "Don't list vouches from people who aren't staff"
  2. "Don't get friends to vouch"
  3. "Don't use color schems"
    1- Also lacks ability to see certain things
1. Where did I list a vouch from anyone? 2. I didn't purposely get him to vouch he found it on his own. 3. The not using a color scheme was a recommendation. Along with everything on that list it states, "While applying for staff, we recommend you read our list of possible detractors:" meaning they're suggesting you don't do anything on that list.


bruh stop defending urself the only 2 +1s you got were your friends 1 other neutral and all the others are -1 LMAO
Also to add onto this, in what way am I defending myself lol? All I said was I did not purposely get bike to vouch for me, I even openly admitted he WAS my friend.


1. Where did I list a vouch from anyone? 2. I didn't purposely get him to vouch he found it on his own. 3. The not using a color scheme was a recommendation. Along with everything on that list it states, "While applying for staff, we recommend you read our list of possible detractors:" meaning they're suggesting you don't do anything on that list.
just one suggestion, change all the grey to black please, its so so hard to see


just one suggestion, change all the grey to black please, its so so hard to see
appreciate the suggestion. I completely forgot not everyone uses dark mode on the website so it probably blends in with the white for you haha. I'll fix it right now.


-1 Immature cant take criticism doesnt seem to be fit for the position.
I mean it was straight accusations not criticism. All of the real criticism I applied into my application. I'd say I handled the accusations pretty well seeming as I haven't been denied yet.
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