Denied Pasflo's staff application

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IGN (In-Game Name):
Im 16 years old
Region (EU/NA/Other):
I live in Italy GMT+1
Do you have any previous staff experience?:
Helper: SkyCraft,Mineone,SkyCentral
Trial Mod: PvPTemple x3, ColdNetwork + SS Verified, PvPGym
Mod: PigParty, ValorHcf, Waraccademy
Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I would like to become a staff member because I always had fun playing the server and I think I would be a good fit in the staff team; I'm applying on SagePvP because other servers are having management issues and because I see a lot of potential in SagePvP.
I'm looking for a server that can give me experience, knowledge, maturity, and a lot of situations to deal with. I really want to become a useful player for the community and have a chance to change something.
I love helping people, not necessarily minecraft, when someone has a question I do not have problems to answer. I also like to work in a group; I play basketball and as a leader I learned to motivate people in difficult situations. I think that one of my weaknesses is the language wall, in my country, we don't study english, that's why I'm learning it by myself; I'm planning to buy a new pc because now i have a potato one and i think that's a really bad weakness because i can't record with high quality, so i cannot provide good quality proofs. I have a lot of patience; what I mean when I say patience, i mean when talking to a player that is maybe younger than me or doesn't know English well, i wouldn't try and hurry them so i could move on i would wait it out and help them with whatever they may need.
I'm trying my best and I really want to say one day that I made it.
If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
If i was accepted as staff i would improve the players experience by helping them directly by the guides rules making sure i give them the correct information and knowledge that they are asking for which is once again really important as i do not want to be giving out any wrong or misleading information which could lead to me getting in trouble and the players confused. I'll make sure that I'm doing my best because it depends on me because staff members are the face of the server.
I'm always trying my best during my staffing process and if any problem comes up, I'm the first to try to solve it. I'll make sure that I'm providing the time/hours that i promised and also helping in Teamspeak and Discord channels and maybe in the future becoming a complete staff member.
I can be very active which makes it so that I can help out whenever a player needs it and would be able to clean up the community of rule breakers and people who like to argue on the forums all day for no reason.
If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
Whenever it comes to owning up to a mistake, I know what I did. I am always 100% honest and wouldn't lie to get out of a situation unlike some people do. I would take the punishment no matter what it was and would be fine with it.
Honesty is given with time, and if I were accepted I could prove it, on the servers where I have been staff I have never had trust issues. I immediately understood with whom I could get along.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)
There are a couple of staff members that I had the pleasure of meeting during my time at Cold.
Additional Information?:
I think I should become a staff member on SagePvP because I'm a mature person and get along with pretty much everyone, so I wouldn't just flip out on a player and say words that would offend them and make the Sage staff look bad.​
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