Denied Opticraders Youtube Application


New member
IGN (In Game Name):Beatmystick ( Changing this username )

Youtube Channel (Link):

Amount Of Subscribers: 214

How many videos do you have on SagePvP: 2 - I also stream

Average amount of views per video: 75-250

Will you be seriously committed to uploading on the server: Yes, If I do get my rank I will try uploading on this server fully. I am planning on growing the community and hopefully I can help grow the community with my channel. I think with my viewers I can grow the server at least a bit more.

Why do you want to have the famous / youtube rank on our network: I want to be YouTube rank on the network for a couple of reasons. My first reason would be that I am able to have gkits in-game and I will also be able to upload consistently because I will have gear within the game. And with this opportunity I can have a lot more content on the server and also help the community If i were to become a Youtuber.


Elite Member
I would like you to upload on sage as you must have at least 2 videos uploaded on our network before applying.