Denied OpaAfspreken [eu] Staff Application

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Active member
Hello Everyone in Sagepvp Network community. To start off this staff application I would just like to say a couple of things. First, I wish good luck to everyone else who applied for staff. Secondly, if I do get accepted I look forward to working more with the Sagepvp Network staff team. Lastly, I hope everyone continues to have fun on the Sagepvp Network.

IGN (In Game Name): OpaAfspreken
Age: 16
Timezone: UTC +1
Country: Netherlands
Do you own a quality microphone?: yes of course
Do you have Discord, Telegram & Teamspeak?: yes of course
Do you have any previous Staff Experience?: no Sorry, i got the motivation to become a staff member on sagepvp network!
Why do you want to become Staff?:

I want to help community Alot And the People to become Staff and the community needs more staff to help the server. If there is no Staff members there are no Players that is why I am Applying here for to help the community Alot. If People needs help they can Ask me or another staff member or they can use /helpop if there is problem. If its a hacker do /report (user) Hacks. Then i can see if there is a hacker or not. If She/he is a hacker. Then i can watch then for couple minuts. If she is hacking then i can Ban him for 30 Days or if i am thinking he is hacking i would bring him in ts for a screenshare. The community needs me to help another player. Thats why I am applying for Sagepvp network to help more People problems and if there is somebody that paid a Rank, I can check for him if he pays it Real or its fake. If I dont have the perms to check for his rank that he paid, I can Ask to an Admin or the Owner to check if he bought the Rank Or Somebody is want to Charge Back the Money. Then I Will Ban him For Charge Back that is not Allowed on the server. That you getting your Money back and you are still playing on Sagepvp With a refude Money that is a Ban And I want to help all the Players on Sagepvp, If somebody is PvP Time Trapping, DTR Boosting and i want to help the people on teamspeak so they dont have to wait hours for a staff member!

Why should we accept you as a Staff?:
Because i wanna help the community Alot and the other People. If they needs help with something i can do for them like: Dtr reset, banning someone or muting someone being toxic. I really want on this Server Staff. I was waiting Along time for this Moment. I want to ban X-ray, hackers and griefers. If the server get hacked or something else would happend then i am ready for that to help the Sagepvp network. Why i want to become staff on Sagepvp Network the community needs More actieve staff members on teamspeak or in the server. Because More players needs help with Keys, Hackers and Griefers. That is not Allowed on the server. If people needs help go to Teamspeak and go to Support Room and wait until a Staff member Moves you in. Then you can tell youre story what you want, if there is a hacker or not or a a Griefer People can Ask Anything But not really Anything stupid like can i get a free rank or can you sub on my channel. They can Only ask for help on the server Maybe End portal, other More stuff or the People in the faction Griefing they Own Base. Thats why i want to become staff to Help the community alot And people need help with Anything that is why i am here to Applying As a Staff Member And if there is a guy that is Alting i can do /ipreport to check if he is Alting or not. If he is, i can Ban Him for Ban Evading And his Other name that was Alting if a Staff typed a Note on guy like saying Not Ban Evading then i wont ban him. If Somebody is Ban Evading i need to check if he has More Alts then IpBan him And Help more people or if i dont Find other people to help i can Check ipreport Again in other Servers if there are More Ban Evading People, hackers, griefers and Mute a Toxic Player in the chat for 10 Minute or Higher And If there is a Sotw I want to Check if there is a hacker or a X-ray on Sotw. There are Alot of X-ray peoples the want Diamonds the going to get Banned for 14 Days for X-ray If he Dont Addmit he is going to get A Longer ban And i Wont Abuse to other Players or Dont teleport them.

When being a staff member I try and be as professional as possible, such as speaking with proper punctuation. When talking to players, being professional is definitely important as it goes towards being a role model.

When talking to players I’m always friendly and kind, I feel it’s totally unnecessary to be rude to another person because of the mood you’re in.

I am very trustworthy, and I will prove to you that I am. I understand that this position requires you to place your trust on to people. I have never abused, griefed, or stolen a thing from someone.

Being Active:
Being active is an important job when being a staff member as it shows how much input and dedication you will be serving towards the server and how much you care about being staff on Sagepvp. This is one of the main reasons why you should accept me as I am very active when it comes to being a staff member. As well as that summer is very close and I will be very active following that term. I will always make sure to be active on all the platforms Teamspeak, Forums and in-game.

I have a lot of Respect that Staff Above me and I want to learn more about how to handle people and players in the server.

DDoS threats/attempts:
DDoS threats are very important they can effect everyone on the server, I would have proof or have the person getting a threat to send proof then immediately ban them but, IP ban them so they stay off the server. I would also call a head staff if necessary.

I would say I’m a pretty hard working person. I try my hardest to get things done fast and smooth. I like my work being clean and easy so every time something seems hard I try my best to make it easier to be able to finish it fast and correct. I like to make sure the people I work with don’t have any troubles, I try hard to make sure everyone feels good with what they are doing and even if I’m a lower staff I’d like to see myself trying to help with as many things as I can.

Honesty is vital in a staff team. I will always be honest, towards any staff member, player, or anyone. I have been completely honest with this whole application and, if accepted, will continue to be honest with the sagepvp staff team.

If a hacker is Wasting my time of 10 minutes or 6 Minutes I will Ban them Because of the Wasting Staff there time because Staff need to Catch more hackers and X-ray to ban them off the server

When it comes to dealing with players I am not biased on each side whether or not their my friends. I will always follow the rules to keep sagepvp a good server. I will always listen to both sides of the stories and ask another staff member for their opinion before concluding my own.

Can any staff member vouch for you?: No nobody

Additional Information:
My name is mehmet and I am currently 16 years old. I have been playing HCF for 3 years and I love it. I love Playing Sagepvp my Dream was to be a Staff Member on sagepvp And I was Toxic Before Now I am Friendly and not Toxic Anymore that was my Information And I Play outside FootBallI am Sometimes in highschool Doing my stuff working If am not Online i would be going out with my girlfriend or some friends. I can be online after I am done with high school Or if I go on Camping with my High School and friends. i got 2 little brothers and 1 little sister. I am going to very big school i did my examens last year so i am HYPED to come in this staff team ily you guys. this is my Information.This was my Staff Application Thank you Leave a Comment Below so i can Check
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