Accepted OmegaBrolyX Media


New member
Media Application Format:

IGN (In-Game Name): OmegaBrolyX

YouTube/Twitch channel link:

Amount of subscribers: 182

How many videos have you uploaded on the server?: 0 , my old channel with 2.5k subs got hacked , I used to be famous on sagepvp and I uploaded a couple of videos in that time , back in the days so i am here to ask you if i could get famous for some weeks and upload sagepvp on my new channel and try to do my best to help your server grow up and introduce sagepvp to my fans , with that u guys are helping me too becouse u are giving me good server to record on and grow my channel back .

How many videos do you plan to upload on the server per week?: 2-3

Social Blade link:

What rank are you applying for (Streamer, YouTube, Famous)?: Famous