Denied okum's staff app woohoo!?!?

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New member
What is your current IGN (in-game name)?: okum
How old are you?: 19
Are you fluent in English?: yes, i am
What region are you from (NA/EU/AS/AU)?: NA
What is your Discord & Telegram?: discord is okum. and my tele is okumnumbanine
Do you have any past staff experience (include proof, explain your roles & responsibilities)?: sadly no
Why do you want to be a staff member?: the main reason i want to become staff on Sage is because i want to help out the server and get rid of the cheaters
What makes you better than other applicants?: I'm not even gonna have an ego and say i'm better than anyone because i have no previous experience
How active can you be per day?: maybe like 5-9 hours, i'm on throughout the day so it may vary
Can any current staff members vouch for you?: IrishMagic, TheExpertSlayer, 2x12
Are you willing to learn to screenshare?: yes
Anything else you would like us to know?: no
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New member
Unfortunately I'm giving this a low rating because it lacks detail and doesn't look like you actually care. However I will change my rating if fixed.

-Arcane, GL!
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