Denied ohtelepathy staff application

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IGN (In-Game Name):
Region (EU/NA/Other):
Do you have any previous staff experience?:
Yes, I do have staff experience.

[proof is on my twitter.]

ViperMC was my first big server I was staff on. I staffed there for around 5 months and then later resigned due to the management team being biased, inactive and lazy. I couldn't see myself working for the same manager for that long so I quit. I was a mod+

Velt & arcane
Velt and Arcane were the two sister servers I went to after leaving viper after they introduced their big update around a year and a half ago. I was demoted for abusing on HCF , I duplicated keys for avre and them. It has been a year and a half since the incident and I am completely different , older , more mature and a thousdand fold times more fit to staff then I was before. I was a senior mod on both servers listed

Why would you like to become a staff member?:

I'd like to join the staff team on sage for a numerous amount of reasons. One I have played this server over the years watching its peaks, watching its lows and observing how the server works , what it thrives in and what it needs work in. I want to put my staffing expertiece, my time into sage, I want to make and ensure the community at sage is satisfied with the staff team, so that the community can grow, people can be more motivated to play with fast support in rooms, ingame chat for the lazy players who cant be asked to download teamspeak,, reports, you name it.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

There is always a handful of people on every server complaining about one thing in common : teamspeak support. Some servers do better then others with their support , and some do worse. My goal on SagePvP is to be fast with support rooms, have little wait time as possible for our players on sage. I am ensured to make my work as quality as it is quantity. I am well spoken in and out of voice chats, meaning I can support people on every possible platform without a problem. I am mature in every situation that I need to be mature in, I am excellent at being un-biased which I think is a important trait to have as a strong staff asset.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?


Honesty is always a big thing to me. Hence why I didn't try and lie about velt and arcane, I have matured and I know when I need to step up and take responsibility.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)

Additional Information?:
Contact information
Telegram: @oTelepathy
Twitter: @c_rockym
Discord: Telepathy#0302

Thank you for reading.​
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Should always provide it, pain in the ass if everyone did this and the Staff Managers have to ask and look for proofs in all the applications they receive. Could always edit it and add it just to make there lives a little easier

Besides this +1
I don't have to go and check your twitter, this just shows your laziness. you have to put it in your staff application
Directions to go on my twitter is now ontop of my staff experience, thanks.


Thank you for taking the time to apply, but unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with it at this time.
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