Denied NX_Saif's Staff Application

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Saif Sharof

New member
Staff Application Format:
IGN (In-Game Name): NX_Saif
Age: 15
Timezone: GMT+3
Do you have any previous staff experience?: Yes I do, here's my list:
Server: Last Age Network
Rank: Developer
Players: I resigned while in BETA

I resigned from the Last age due to me having a lot of Schoolwork and projects.

Server: Galactic aka VerailMC
Rank: Staff Manager

Players: 40-52ish
The proof of being a Staff manager isn't valid because I cared less about screenshotting that I'm staff and more about the server.

On this server, I resigned due to toxicity and I got threatened multiple times by the owner.

Server: AstroNetwork
Players-10 -15ish (the screenshot was taken in beta test)

Astro, unfortunately, shut down due to the personal issues of the owner. I enjoyed being a manager there and we had a nice well-built community.
Server : Hunterx
I like this server. but we barely had any players the owner is always busy with his family and never comes on so I resigned.

Server: Eagle Sky
Rank: Owner (Still The Owner)
Players: 4-15

Server: Aero Network
Rank Helper
Players: 4-9
A Screenshot of me talking to a staff member on Aero after I resigned.

Server: BackYard MC
Rank: Jr.Mod
Players: 10-15
Check NameMC for proof that my name was AldenS

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I personally want to become a staff member on this because not to hold myself above others, but to help new players that would become a good potential active member or a staff member in the future giving some suggestions.

So I can help the SagePvP Community to have a good reputation with staff members and players of the server and allows me to help those in need rather than just being able to advise someone, as well as give a good reputation.

When I saw this server my impressions of becoming a staff member got bigger than before.

I would like to help the server get out of the way cheaters, toxic people in the community, people who despise the server, people trying to demoralize players of the server.

I have the experience for the server, the dedicate, time, and the ability to succeed in the ranking. I feel as I can be a huge essential person for the staff team and work well with one another, my team working ability has always been up to part, as I am able to teach and learn when needed.

Anyway, I've always wanted to become staff on SagePvP, but I’m very happy with my current experience and skill/knowledge that I have currently, however now I truly believe that I have the information required to become a good staff member on. SagePvP.

I believe I have what it takes to become a SagePvP staff member.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: I Would start off by supporting them by enhancing their gameplay, giving methods, and helping them out in general
If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
Why? : I'm always honest, lying won't get me anywhere it will only be bad for me, there is no reason for me not to be honest, I always keep it real as I tell myself, I want others to be real with me so I have to be real with them.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?: Unfortunately no
Additional Information?:
I will happily take this opportunity and become staff on sage, and will always be grateful no matter what happens


Active member
You own a server and wanna be staff on a server? You're never gonna have much time to staff on both.


Thanks for taking the time to create an application, but unfortunately it's been denied.

You can re-apply for staff in 2 weeks time. Please take this time to review your application and make any necessary changes.
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