Denied [NA] Servicesub's Staff Application


IGN (In-Game Name):
Region (EU/NA/Other):
Do you have any previous staff experience?:

Yes I do, I have been apart of the support team on a big server hosting server & discord called minehut. I was a support team member there from around October 9th 2019 to February 14th(Valentine's day),The support team was that day closed (what a valentines gift to all of us ay?) and that is why I had to sadly move on from that position.

I was staff on a small hcf server back in like 2018 called warhcf,later called akaiahcf, I was moderator+ there and I helped catch cheaters, assist players in chat & discord and many other small things. I loved this server cause it was small but had moments that helped me grow, I stayed active on the server until it sadly had to close due to lack of funding. I did follow the owner to a few other servers tho that weren't successful.

I was a staff member three times at blizzardmc, a factions server.The first time I staffed there was around 2020. I had a really bad dispute with one of the at the time owners named chewy and I resigned after calling him out for being abusive. Later I came back in early 2021 and became staff again at blizzard because my friend was a manager there and I had a reason to come back. This time chewy was gone and I had been really active within the community.My main job here was to just be a chat mod and punish anybody who was toxic in chat or spammed, etc. As well as do support rooms in discord. II left after around a month of being staff due to a mental breakdown and needing to take time to myself. the third time I applied, I was staff for like 3 weeks and then was demoted and banned for abusing a bug cause I had given up on the server at this point, I know that wasn't the smartest idea but I was just dumb.

I was also staff on another factions server called verixpvp. Here is where I learned most of my skills as staff. This server shaped me for the better, they had mentors, required us to post proof, etc. here I flourished and was to become a JrMod, but I resigned a day before promotions cause I heard from someone high up they were selling the server and I didn't feel like staying for new ownership. I was staff here around the middle of 2021.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I would like to be a staff member here because first things first, I just love staffing. I love helping people an trying my best to better their day in any way I can. It's just who I am and how I've always been, it plays a huge role into my staffing history and why I become staff. Another reason I want to become staff here is due to the fact the server is a quite small community and I flourish in communities like that, where I can just get the know everyone and get comfortable with the people I'll be playing with. And another fun reason why I want to be staff is just due to the fact of stopping other people from ruining normal players days such as cheaters, glitches, bug abusers, etc. I wanna make sure everyone playing the server I'm staff on has a fun fair play experience.
If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: If accepted, I would help players against bug abusers, glitches, hackers,etc. I would ensure that everyone is playing fair and equal. I would also be very active in support rooms and chat helping members who are asking about something.
If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? If I have to say, I'd give myself a 7. I can be very honest but at times I can lie to protect my friends or loved ones when it comes to them or something elsse
Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional) N/A
Additional Information?: Uhh I like mc