Denied MyNameisJeff Staff App

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New member
IGN: MyNameisJeff
Age: 15
Timezone: EST
Country: United States
Do you own a quality microphone? Yes I own a Blue Yeti Mic and I use my hyper x CloudFoam headphones as my seconday mic as well I can also use my other mic A snowball.
Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?: Yes I have Telegram, Teamspeak and Discord and Twitter if that matters
Do you have any previous staff experiences?: Yes I have plenty of staff experiences, I was Mod on sagepvp Proof :
HCREALMS Trial Mod Proof :
Cavepvp Mod proof : I was also Mod on velt back in 3.0 So Yes I do have alot of staff experiences !

Why do you want to become staff?:
I want to become staff on SagePVP because of many reasons, to this day I still see people message me via in-game /msg "You should come back to SagePVP as staff bro people miss you" etc. And everytime someone messages me that I will remember that, I am applying today because I want to become staff again on Sagepvp. Why? Because I am currently looking at the Official Staff List and I can not see An og staff member I knew staff member on that list, and it hurts. As a Experienced staff member I can be on times that US people may not be on at times . Also I am pretty active during the days on the weekend and on the afternoons of the weekdays. I have staffed on SagePVP before so I know what is expected, if I get a second chance of being staff again on here I am going to give it my best effort for the community.

I have also had heaps of previous experience with other HCF/Kitmap/Practice servers. This means that I am very fimilar to situations and commands used by staff. Being previously staff on SagePVP is a good thing because I know what I am doing and I will be back with people I am used to working with. Arcticc is still staff manager which means I know what to do to keep him happy and satisfied with me being staff. Arcticc is overall a awesome staff manager in my opinion, he really does care about his staff members and is over-all a very nice person.

You may ask, why do you want come back as staff on Sagepvp? Well Sagepvp is one of the only server's I really enjoyed staffing on, it always has players on, friendly & caring other staff members and a fantastic staff manager. Sagepvp is where my staffing career blew up. I miss being staff on Sagepvp every day that goes by.

Why should we accept you as staff?:
> Respect
I have a lot of respect for people, I am hardly ever mean to someone unless they really just get on my nerves or they know how to annoy me. I don't care if the player is well-known is a newbie I am still going to respect them with the same respect I am going to treat someone who is either well-known in the community or a YouTuber.

> Maturity
Maturity is a big key in all staff, if your not mature I don't think you should be staff. I have had my days of immaturity and maturely, every and each day I grow older I gain more maturity. I have understood that being immature gets you absolutely no where in life. Being mature is a big key in life and it will get you places.

> Dedication
I am very dedicated to servers I staff on, if they tell me to put heaps of effort into if it's punishments, support or whatever I am going to do it. Dedication means that you care about the players and the server overall.

> Teamwork
Teamwork is something I am very highly skilled in. I always been in some sort of teamwork if its, in real life, in-game as a faction or a member of a staff team or whatever else. I personally rather being in a team then being by myself depending on what the subject may be.

> Responsibility
Being responsible is a another big thing in what ever you do, being responsible as a staff member may include being responsible for your actions and what you do, when I am doing support rooms or doing support ingame VIA /helpop I am responsible. I am not going to break any rules being a staff member and I am going to be responsible with whatever the reason may be.

think I should be accepted as a Staff Member on Sagepvp because I am very nice to players and I know the HCF community and I love the players, and staff members of Sagepvp. I believe I would make a good part of the staff team as I am very mature and nice to players. I am also very well trained in being staff I follow all the rules and if I mess up I go to a higher up staff member and tell them what I did wrong and I would take my punishment, as I understand that I messed up. I know most of the commands and I am aware that I will need SS Verified for certain things such as screen sharing and other things if needed. I know that being part of the Sagepvp staff team I am responsible for the way I act around people as I am showing the way a staff member of Sagepvp should act, I am also aware that I will have to follow certain rules, even if I do not agree with them such as playing on other HCF servers. As you may know, the HCF community is going down and players are becoming more and more toxic, If I got staff on Sagepvp I would do everything in my power to make sure the players are having a good time and that there is no abusing and no more toxicity. I have been playing Sagepvp for a long time now and I got to know the community, once I started to get into HCF I played Sagepvp so much and loved to play. I am also aware of all the commands. If I am accepted as Helper I will do my best to help out the community and other staff members if needed, I will also do my best to report bugs that I find. I haven't been having much fun on servers due to hackers and a toxic community. I want to make the community better. so everyone can be happy and have fun. Removing Advertisers from the networking- I know this is a big thing on big servers and smaller servers. I feel like I could fit in the server's staff team pretty well as I have been staff on various big servers in the past and I see no problem with fitting into the staff team that they have today.

Can any staff members on the team vouch for you? Hqtstuff, Potbetter, Sonnix
Additional Information: I would love to come back and make the staff team and overall come back and be happy with my fellow staff team like I was before It was like a famely !
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-1 The most toxic youtuber I've met. Just because I dont fight him he calls me a pussy and starts trash talking. Shouldnt be accepted. Toxic, Not Mature, and no detail or effort but into the application


Well-known member
Try to put more effort in it because it's hard to read and it basically looks copy&pasted too.


Active member
Just as I advised speederz, do not reply if someone is being toxic, as it is childish. Good luck


I literally suck at everything I have ever tried.
Hello @MyNameisJeff123, thank you for taking the time to apply for a staff position on our network. Unfortunately, your application has been denied due to one or more of these reasons;

- Lack of Playtime,
- Plagiarism,
- Immaturity / Toxicity,
- Lack of detail / Experience,
- Failing to meet the requirements.

You will be eligible to re-apply after two weeks. We suggest you take this time to improve your application.
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