My next name


Established member
My next name will be Baby(Name)

I am looking for a Staff !

Which staff member is going to be daddy ?? :)

Leave you're staff below here. The most votes it's going to be!

My first vote goes to….. Twqntys or Cole

Jacob [-]
Arcticcc [-]
Botings [-]
Amarese [-]
Sonnix [-]
Twqntys [1]
HalloMaik [-]
Migzy [-]
Trixkz [-]
Cole [1]
WuMarik [-]
Yikas [-]
hvii [1]
BabyiSparkton (does not participate)
iBeThievin [-]
Godmeme [-]
Glise6 [-]
Windows [-]
Whatlol (does not participate)
Connecters [-]
57x [-]
CodeTacos [-]
Umzk [-]
ImFye (does not participate)
ItsLyft [-]
Pressin [-]
DvDPlayer [-]
Comprehensible [-]
PowerTrans [-]
Struxy [-]
Keralan [-]
Coronsize [-]

Goodluck to every Staff member ! Because.. who doesn't wanna become daddy ?

Don't vote yourself!
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