Denied mitright's Staff Application [NA] [Bilingual Speaker]

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IGN: mitright
Age: 15 [Date Of Birth: August 4, 2003]
Timezone: Eastern Daylight Timezone
Country: United States
Do you own a quality microphone? Yes, I have Razer Kraken's 2.0.
Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?: Yes. [Discord: Gustavo シ#5595] [TS: mitright] [Telegram: @mitright]
Do you have any previous staff experiences?:

CavePvP Network [Moderator] | I was a staff member on CavePvP Network for a decent amount of time. During the duration of the first two weeks as a Trial Moderator I was active, honest, responsible and representing the server's reputation in a good way, however, at around 1 AM one day it was a quiet slow day and I was in TS3 with another Staff Member, that staff member brought his sister onto the microphone I was around 14 year's old around the time so as a joke I decided to say in a joking manner not knowing the consequences ahead of me without thinking it through I said "sapnu puas" which if you read it upside down it means "send nudes". His sister was around 16 year's old, she giggled at that point and she told her brother later on that she did not like the comment, therefore I apologized to her properly with a document. I notified the Staff Manager notifying him that I was in the wrong and I would not like to be banned so I was demoted there, however to this day I regret and I have learned from that mistake.

FaithfulMC Network [Helper] | I was a staff member back in early 2017, Faithful was on it's 2nd or 3rd map and was still nearly a fresh server around that time, however it was still professional and all. Just it was in debt of money and it needed more players. I got bored of staffing for a while, especially after I was getting nothing in return so I decided to resign. However I don't have much evidence in regards to uploading it there because the videos were corrupted when I got a new pc.

HolyHCF Network [Staff Manager] | I started playing Holy in late 2015, it was a Spanish server that I enjoyed playing with some of my friends, a few months progressed then I decided to apply for staff. I applied for staff and I immediately fit in perfectly for a couple of reasons, one which is being my activity, two which is being my that I also spoke English and Italian on a Spanish Server so I could translate, and lastly I once again represented the reputation in a extraordinary fashion that made me stand out as one of the best staff members, some months progressed and I reached Admin by that time, in that server Admin's were basically like Owner's in someway. We earned money monthly, and we helped the Owner with a lot of things. It was in February that I had been an Administrator for the server for almost 3 months, I was doing the best of the best with all the effort I put into the server, so the Owner decided to promote me to a Staff Manager to hire Social Media members, manage the Staff and work on the payouts of Developers, Builders and high ranking Administrator's. At that point I started noticing that when staff member's were demoted the Owner who was Argentinian would boot them offline for 2 hours straight just for fun after demoting them. Everything was going well until I decided to step up and told him this isn't the right thing to do, after that point in that discussion he said you know what, you're not my boss but thanks for everything and immediately Demoted me for discussing what he was doing was not the right thing to do. Regarding Evidence I don't have much other than screenshots, I wiped my computer and lost all my videos that were saved on there when I was mod, I didn't have to record after Senior Mod anyways.

SnakeHCF [Owner & Head Developer] | I made this server with a couple of minecraft friends that played HCF with me. I became the Head Developer and Owner, we didn't really know how to start at first, but after a while we started kicking in on what to do, so we managed to get the server running with little bit of money to probably pay for 2 more months of the TS3 and the Server domain. When we began it was all a success, it had an average of 200 players on SOTW and 100 players during the week on a normal day including weekends. We started progressing as a pay-to-win server making nearly $200 every 2 weeks. At that point everything was going well until we decided to partner up with a Practice server, we partnered up thinking of it as a new opportunity, at that point we had a blast making the new practice server until the other merged Owner stopped putting his part in paying for our domain, we had enough funds to continue paying it but he decided to leave us, when that happend we started thinking, what are we going to do to bring something new instead of just HCF like we had 3 week long Maps. We decided to open a Kitmap but that didn't work so we were left and started losing players and donation amount to the point that we couldn't keep up with the domain amount's anymore, including paying our other Developer's and builders. So we all called it a quit when we couldn't pay the domain anymore. I don't have much evidence other than a tutorial I made during whitelist because I was an Owner so I didn't record anything really.

• Evidence of Staff:
[CavePvP] [CavePvP] [FaithfulMC] [HolyPvP] [HolyPvP] [HolyPvP] [HolyPvP]

Why do you want to become staff?: I would like to become staff on SagePvP for a variety of reasons, one which is being I enjoy helping servers and building their reputation to have non-corrupt staff members. This is also contributing to the community as a whole because it helps the community build a stronger relationship with less cheaters, and a better environment for players to play on. Another reason I think I want to become a staff member on SagePvP is because it will induct me as a part of a team which teaches me certain lessons that I can learn, some which are being helping others, being responsible and working as a team. This whole aspect of being apart of a team gives me a point of view where I think it's not just about me, it's about the server becoming 10 times better one step at a time. I want to be staff for multiple other reasons too, being a staff member helps me do something productive that I enjoy and I have pride in because I am assisting people in many different aspects. I also want to become a staff member because it gives me a sensibility of a accomplishment and responsibility with myself, I do have other responsibilities I comply with like going to baseball, playing on my schools team and so forth but this also gives me way to say that I am complying with a responsibility I put myself in, as a staff member not only will I enjoy what I do, but I will also be helping the community to remove cheaters, help people out with the broken physics of minecraft, and simply just socialize with people on this video game. I want to join the staff team cause it gives me a sensation of me being an average person by complying with the community and helping out the server.

Why should we accept you as staff?: I think I should be accepted into the staff team because of multiple characteristics that I contain, many of which can be used to my advantage and for the beneficial aspect of the community. I should be accepted to the SagePvP staff team because it helps me understand more of what is the issue in the community and a step at a time I can fix it to the best of my ability.

I decide to be honest in a lot of situations because I decide to tell the truth as telling a lie is worth than telling the truth because the truth is always behind a lie and it can always be discovered, at any point in time that I lie is either because it is confidential or the safety of my personal information. Other than that there should be no reason to lie, for example there's no reason to lie about the reason why I was demoted on Cave because it is what happend, but I can't do anything about it.

Being responsible to me is one of the main keys to succeeding, responsibility displays that you accomplish something you are tasked with, you comply with it and go through with it, like if you have a job at McDonald's you are responsible to make money for yourself and go to the job. This can come into play in many different scenario's.

I describe being mature as a lesson to myself saying treat what you earned respectfully and it will treat you and bring you good things, more or less saying that I cannot be immature in certain situations because it may cause a severe consequence and a cause and effect situation, being immature is probably the worst that you can do because it brings the staff team a bad reputation.

Being non-biased is probably the one of the best traits a staff member can have, for example a staff member shouldn't choose sides because one of the person's is their friend, it should be completely fair where everyone has the same equal chance to have the same amount of time to get into teamspeak before being banned for refusal to screenshare. This also applies in real life in the United States, it is that everyone is equal, no one is above the law therefore no one has special abilities which is the same applicable trait here.​

Can any staff members on the team vouch for you? I unfortunately haven't gotten the chance to know a staff member personally so no because I don't want to go ask around for a voucher unless I actually know them.

Additional Information: I speak English and Spanish fluently and I know basic Italian. Thanks for viewing my application, please leave your HONEST feedback so I can improve it as much as possible. I have a windows PC that runs nearly 900 FPS when recording, amazing pc but it got ratted so i'm waiting for a technician to come wipe it.

No copyright's are intended for this application.
Don't plagiarize my application.

***NOTICE: I decided no color because it isn't necessary***
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Active member
Please leave your most HONEST and UNBIASED opinion on my application, please and thank you!

- mitright


Active member
You must got the wrong name then, I can assure you it wasn't me. I've never even seen any of Custom's video's.


Active member
Me too.
He said in the vid he was sold the account

This is honestly so confusing, what do I have to do to prove to you that this is MY account. I barely even heard of custom, I only know he's a cheating youtuber... Would you like it if I put false information on your application?


Active member
First off, I know what they're talking about (somewhat since I've heard of that), doubt you can regard it as "false information" they're just being honest as you asked. Its just an opinion you could say they're just being cautious in my opinion.


Active member
I put time an effort into this application, and if it goes to this because of something that isn't true I wouldn't be happy to be honest.
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