Denied minecraftpro1984 Staff Application

↬ IGN (In-Game Name): minecraftpro1984
↬ Age: 15
↬ Region (EU/NA/Other): EU
↬ Do you have any previous staff experience?:

I do indeed, as I have moderated numerous servers, most notably small, regional servers, as well as other bigger international servers, owned a couple of servers, and managed staff teams on the aforementioned regional servers.
I have been staff on SagePvP [proof attached to hyperlink], where I got demoted from T-Mod for making fun of the staff manager, 2x12 by undermining his authority which I do regret, although the staff team was pleased to have me for the little time they did, as I remember that a staff manager (Twqntys), shortly after leaving the staff team, told me to re-apply and that he'd be pleased to accept me back.
I am currently a developer per commission for DevRoom and am otherwise off Minecraft.

↬ Why would you like to become a staff member?:

Where can I begin? My previous love for community, the experience, the significance in persona, the deep-rooted hatred for closet & otherwise cheaters. My love for the community simply shows the fact that I would be a perfect fit for the staff team, as I promise to be there for the community and place it over myself, as I am willing to sacrifice an activity I enjoy doing most in order to moderate, such as playing HCF to help others. The experience of being a staff member in a server as big as SagePvP is amazing, as you have a ton of fun while also helping out the community and learning people along the way, as well as making friends and forever memories. The significance of status & persona is something that I needn't explain, simply put, the "publicity" of being staff is most people's driving factor, although for me it is merely a minor part of being staff. My deep-rooted hatred for closet cheaters is, simply put, large, as I have gone raidable to cheaters numerous times back when I played HCF, and even now when I play on Hypixel, cheaters are a massive issue, as WatchDog fails to catch them in time and many games are ruined because of them. To add to that, I wish to be a role model for the community & staff team alike, as I now promise not to undermine the manager's authority, as their job is difficult as is, and promise to be mature at all times, especially when in front of players, as well as be respectful towards all players, no matter their status or rank.

↬ If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

To begin, players will be delighted to have me, as I will serve as a friendly staff member who will be fair and honest towards them, as well as treat them with respect and a sense of professionalism, as well as listening to them, and heeding their words and warnings into consideration. To add to that, I am able to screenshare quite well without using any programs or tools, as I have learned the ins and outs of process hacker and otherwise conventional methods of screensharing through a plethora of experience.

↬ If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

As a Muslim, I am taught to be honest 100% of the time, and although I do not always follow that, I believe that I am a role model for honesty, as while not being blunt or rude, I am honest as can be, with my honesty having detrimentally improved since the last time I have applied, I would rate myself a 9/10, as I see lying as a form of major disrespect. Lying, even if jokingly, can confuse people & land you in sticky situations, which is why I refrain from doing it.

↬ Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)

Not 100% on this, but maybe IrishMagic, as I remember him, Liam (2x12) can vouch for me as for me being accepted or declined alike, depending on how he feels, although I believe that he would vouch for me to be accepted, as he is a mature individual who let bygones be bygones, especially as I have apologized to him numerous times. Optimizer also vouches for me, as I remember him talking to Liam about my demotion, on top of telling me that I can put him as a vouch when asked.

↬ How active can you be (Hours per day):

Likely 4 hours per day in the least, 8 hours in the most. Over 20 hours playtime per map.

↬ What is your discord @?: Diminator#0001
↬ Additional Information (optional): sorry for what happened Liam I still love you