Denied Maky staff application

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New member
IGN (maky)
Region NA
Do you have any previous staff experience?:
FirecePvP mod D= had school coming up and had to quit Minecraft and also server shut down later.
ColdNetwork mod R i had a much fun on here made friends. left because I just got board. of screensharing 24/7

OLD CavePvP couple years ago- Mod R = had a good time when hcf was a fun game mode left do to server about to shut down.
CentileHCF- Admin Server down = got offered staff took the chance. which helped me do world editing like helping people more with buycraft etc.
MambaPvP- Mod server down i got staff here with a few of my friends as they where Owners helped screen share mostly was "head of ss" which means that i was dealing/ helping my family/ staff team on ss. which i also learned a lot about!

HCRivals - Chat Mod R well this one was a short ride but i got chat mod which i learned to mute/ monitor chat well. which I believe helped me a lot in my staffing.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:

I've been lately having a lot of free time, so I my as well become staff on sagepvp.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

What I would do if I get accepted I would improve the player base, by showing care/being productive, helping players with hcf.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

I would give my self a
solid 8.5, because I haven't staffed in a bit, coldnetwork was my last position, so I'm guessing I would try my best to get more TeamSpeak moves/ speak with people.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?:
current no, but smackings could, I have been close with him staffed with him, but I haven't talked to him in a bit, but he could vouch with my staffing exp

Additional Information?:

I have been in the hcf com for a long time I'm aware of everything that I'm getting myself in, I'm also in the translator telegram.
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Established member
IGN (maky)
Region NA
Do you have any previous staff experience?:
Yes, FirecePvP mod D= had school coming up and had to quit Minecraft and also server shut down later.
ColdNetwork mod R i had a much fun on here made friends. left because I just got board. of screensharing 24/7

OLD CavePvP couple years ago- Mod R = had a good time when hcf was a fun game mode left do to server about to shut down.
CentileHCF- Admin Server down = got offered staff took the chance. which helped me do world editing like helping people more with buycraft etc.
MambaPvP- Mod server down i got staff here with a few of my friends as they where Owners helped screen share mostly was "head of ss" which means that i was dealing/ helping my family/ staff team on ss. which i also learned a lot about!

HCRivals - Chat Mod R well this one was a short ride but i got chat mod which i learned to mute/ monitor chat well. which I believe helped me a lot in my staffing.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:

I've been lately having a lot of free time, so I my as well become staff on sagepvp.
If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:What I would do if I get accepted I would improve the player base, by showing care/being
productive, helping players with hcf.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

I would give my self a
solid 8.5, because I haven't staffed in a bit, coldnetwork was my last position, so I'm guessing I would try my best to get more TeamSpeak moves/ speak with people.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?:
current no, but smackings could, I have been close with him staffed with him, but I haven't talked to him in a bit, but he could vouch with my staffing exp

Additional Information?:

I have been in the hcf com for a long time I'm aware of everything that I'm getting myself in, I'm also in the translator telegram.
-1 Lack of detail, bad formatting, mentioned above
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