Denied MainlyPing's Staff Application

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New member
1. MainlyPing
2. 19

3. US Central
4. I was a Mod on VeltPvP. Don't that much experience with limited perms but always there to learn and improve. Only was able to mute, kick, and temp ban people.
5. To be honest with you, I really have nothing to do at home. I have been spending hours on the computer and I feel like becoming a staff member will give me something to do, you know a little responsibility. Active for 4-7 hours a day.
6. Very helpful, really understanding as well as I'm bilingual, I speak Spanish fluently, so I'll be able to help translate/help the Hispanic Minecraft community.
7. Ryan (Strobe)
Additional Information?: I love cake <3... On the side, I'm starting my sophomore year in college so I won't be that active like everyday, possibly every other day with only 2-4 hours daily.


Active member
You are lacking a lot of detail in your application. Also, you need a lot of overall improvement.

- Add the questions with the format
- Add detail as to why you would want to be a staff and what you could do to improve the players' experience on the server as a staff member.

Also I think you are lying about your "VeltPvP experience." You state that you were only able to mute, kick, temp ban. However, I am pretty certain that as a Mod on Velt you are allowed to permanently ban players. Without any proof to your experience I will have to assume you are lying.

Try applying again, but next time don't lie, and add much more detail.


Network Admin
Anticheat Manager
You are lacking a lot of detail in your application. Also, you need a lot of overall improvement.

- Add the questions with the format
- Add detail as to why you would want to be a staff and what you could do to improve the players' experience on the server as a staff member.

Also I think you are lying about your "VeltPvP experience." You state that you were only able to mute, kick, temp ban. However, I am pretty certain that as a Mod on Velt you are allowed to permanently ban players. Without any proof to your experience I will have to assume you are lying.

Try applying again, but next time don't lie, and add much more detail.


Active member
- 1

Lack of detail.

C'mon how many times do i need to tell people
that they need to add a lot of detail to their application.
the Managers do not know you and you do not know them.
With adding detail they will learn who you are and what you did
in the past.

No provided proof.

As i mentioned before they do not know you and you do not
know them. You will need to proof yourself. They do not know
if you are lying or not, and if you send proof you will have a bigger
change to get accepted.

No effort into application.

Look, if you want to get accepted, do more effort to. Ask people
for tips to help them with making a great applications. You haven't
even added the staff application format. Believe me, if they can see
you have put effort into your application your chance to get accepted

If you want tips you can DM me on discord
and i will help you out! UrAmazing#6120


If u use colors, u can pull apart the important zones of the text of the not important zones. Sorry but my ingles isnt so good
Honestly, bolded questions and non-bolded responses with all black text looks the sexiest in my opinion. The colors are too distracting.
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