Denied Longdrive's staff application- EU


IGN (In-Game Name): Longdrive

Age: 15

Region (EU/NA/Other): EU

Do you have any previous staff experience?:
I have but the server was never released, I still know how to staff off what I learned back then so I'm not a new at staffing. I had a lot of experience and put a lot of hours into that server that never released. It was a parkour server the reason the server was never released is the owner of the server started school at that time and didn't have time to continue with the server, so he came to the point to offer the server to people who want to buy it.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I have enjoyed myself on Sage from the moment I joined the server. The server has always been my highlight of the day when I played it, whether I would be running in bases on HCF, or just chilling with friends on kits. I wanted to try and get staff on Sage after a while since I genuinely enjoyed the server, the server was really fun for me and it was the server I was most active on at times and why not put those hours to good use. I believe I should be accepted as staff on Sage as I am a staff member who understands players' issues and can be understandable and reasonable while trying to help them with their situation. In all my time on HCF servers, quite a few staff don't have this genuine understanding. I like to treat players kindly and only punishing them as they deserve, for example, I wouldn't punish or be toxic to a player as I may have had a past grudge against that, that is very unprofessional and wouldn't be needed as a trait of the staff team on Sage. I am very active and would've been able to be on the server around 2-4 hours a day. I want to be a staff member knowing that I can help any player in need so they won't have to struggle with their issues with the server, whether it a malicious person trying to make them harm themselves outside of the game or a player who is cheating to ruin their fun playing here. I know that staff members need to hear both sides of the story before making decisions and whether I can control the problem depending on my position on the server, like whether I need an admin to assist me with something. As well as knowing how to be a great staff member, I also have quite a few traits that will help me to be a staff member on Sage. that's why you should pick me other candidates.

I am very easy to get along with. I am not very toxic, in fact I am a more introverted person who will listen more than talk. I am a very laid back type of person. I enjoy flying by the seat of my pants. (I keep my schedule open as to that I don't miss any last minute changes to staff meetings, screenshare tests, etc..)

I am a very respectful person. I enjoy listening to other people more than talking myself. It is more important to me to understand the situation before assuming things and making my own assumptions. I was raised on the belief that interrupting a person is very disrespectful and insulting to the opposite party.

I am the type of person to grind out an assignment until its done perfectly instead of turning it in incomplete. I also will record all my bans due to the fact that you never know if a player is going to disagree with the ban that I chose to give. Recording the ban will allow me to show the player why he/she was banned, and further enforce a player to staff connection within the community.

I believe that I am a very trustworthy person. I have no intentions of leaking any confidential staff documents or personal information of any staff member or
player on the Network.

My experience in the HCF community and staffing on the server I staffed on puts me above the rest. I have been playing HCF for over 2.5 years. I have been staffing for about Half a year on Parkourpractice. This experience has taught me the correct way to staff and handle certain situations that other applicants might not be
able to.

Professional is a huge part of being a staff member not just in support rooms but also out of them I always try my best to be as professional as I can. I'm always professional but that doesn't mean I don't make mistakes everybody makes mistakes but I just try to learn from my mistakes and own up to them. And as I've said probably multiple times If your not Professional, Honest, Mature It won't only make the staff team look bad but the server in general.

This is also a huge part of being a staff member since you are basically representing the network and the community Sage has. When your a staff member you have a lot of responsibility a small mistake could make the whole network look bad which is why you also have to be mature and professional to be a staff member. I feel like I am really responsible and with me being responsible I can promise that I won't ever make the server or the staff team look bad.

Since I have a lot of experience with HCF in general I feel like I can see things from the players' perspective. I have been in so many situations where the staff member didn't understand what I was trying to explain and I think I can prevent that with my current knowledge within the game mode.

[Always trying to improve]
trying to improve I am always trying to find ways to improve myself in each way possible as I aspire to become the best version of myself.

I want to end off with my activity. I've seen staff members get promoted a lot, and very often they tend to pay less and less attention to the players and focus more on themselves and their ego the more they get promoted. I will always put the players in front of me which I think is a very good addition to a staff member.
I will respect any decision that is made. I will respect higher staff members, players, etc. I am never disrespectful to any player. Even if a player is being disrespectful to me I will be respectful to that player.

I'm very helpful, I learn everything very fast and as I said before I'm very active and I have a good knowledge about staffing.

As you can read, I have HCF and practice experience in "important" servers and because of this, I have a good knowledge on the scenarios.​

I am extremely good with working with other staff members. I can get along with others as fast as I can.

[Pros and Cons of myself]
Pros: Helpful, experienced, kind, non toxic, I listen to all staff members, even players without talking over them. I try to become a good staff member at the highest of my ability's. I will try to be online when staff members are are not. I have good Leadership skills. I am very dedicated. I am Patient and have no problem with waiting for a player to upload proof, talk what happened out, etc.

No experience with screen sharing (willing to learn.) (I am watching many YouTube videos and screen sharing friends to learn how to screen share)

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
If I get accepted, I will improve players' experience by punishing toxic players, cheaters, Doxers (players that reveal private Informations about another player such as their address or Their IRL name), and also helping players with difficulties and struggles that they may have. As a staff member, my job is to help the players and also punish those who choose to violate the rules. In my time playing Minecraft Pvp I have seen a lot of great staff members but also a lot of bad ones. With this experience, I have realized that the best staff members are fair with their punishments, making sure to get both sides of a story and not making preferences based on other players' rank and relations with the staff.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
8/10 - I'm very honest and responsible, I don't hide behind others when I make a mistake or do something wrong, and I take my responsibilities when I do something wrong such a wrong punishment or being toxic because I got turned on with a player flaming me

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional) mmylo

Additional Information?: Thanks for reading my application I was being 100% honest this time


Thank you for taking the time to apply, but unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with it at this time.