Denied littletony (US)

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IGN (In-Game Name):littletony



Do you have any previous staff experience? (If so, list them below):
[Reminders I got a new pc, so I got no proof.]

I was staff for 2 months then i got false demoted, because some one made a fake msg about me on discord.

I was staff for 1 month until i resigned because they were not working on the server.

( Trial-Mod)
I was staff for 2 weeks until i resigned because the server was dead and i got offered a much better job.

I was staff for 4 months until i resigned because they got 20 players every sotw.

I was staff for 2 weeks until i got demoted. I really dont know why.

Demoted for being inactive since i got homework

Owner for 3 months until it shut down because it was dead.

Shutdown no information

I was staff for 2 months Resigned because i really didnt know what the owner was doing.

I was staff for 1 month i was in the discord for a while and never saw it released. Resigned

Staff for 2 weeks until the server keeps getting hit off and i dont want my ip leaked.

I was staff for 3 months until i got demoted for "False ban" but it wasnt.

I was staff for 1 week They reseted all the staff members

I was staff for 1 week until they reseted the staff

Staff for 2 weeks until i resigned because the server is not going anywhere.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:

I would love to be staff on SagePvP because I feel that lately, I have been dying many un-legit ways. Hackers, block glitches, and many more on other servers. Now, I don't want to sound like every applicant "I'm going to ban hackers and be a great staff member!" but, this is partly true. One part of my reason for applying for this server is the hackers and the toxic players. I feel that in this community there is a lot of people who are un-legit and are legit its really hard to tell. Now on every server, the staff team always tries to do their best for the players,so they can be happy. I know that if I am staff I can satisfy the players. For example, today I was frozen for 35 mins on this other server, then i went in ts 20 mins later and no one moved me, so i had to wait for the next day, I understand that the server just got back up but that does not mean that staff should be inactive, it was frustrating. I feel that with my experience I have an efficient way of dealing with players who are in need.

Scenario 1: A team has just gone raidable to a hacker, but they do not have the proof. The first thing that I would do is teleport to their base to make sure that they did go raidable, then, I would see if the cheater is still online. If so, I would watch him until I could prove if the player is legit, or hacking. If the player is cheating, I would ban the player and contact a staff member who has perms to roll back their base (Implying I do not have perms to do so.). If not, I would bring the player in for a screen-share and hope to find something. I would also check if the hacker got banned and if they got banned i would ask if they got proof him him dying to him and if he does ill contact a higher up to roll him back.

Scenario 2: If a player just died to a cheater with proof. Now, as a staff, member, you need to approach this situation carefully, because there are clients with "fake hacker" options now. So, if someone were to send in a report, I would first need to watch the proof, assess if the player is cheating, if so teleport to the player in-game. If the player is still being obvious, I would ban the player. If not I would watch for a little while, and eventually, freeze the player. At this point I would try and get them to admit, and, if not, take them into a screen-share. At this point, the player would be found a cheater, or found clean, and be issued the appropriate punishment. Over these applications, I have grown an undying love and hunger for becoming staff on this server I am so passionate for. The more I get denied it fuels me into the next application, and eventually, this fuel and passion will be on the staff team, I can guarantee that. Overall I hope that this was through enough for you to see that I am very passionate about this position and I hope to soon become apart of your staff team!

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
?The Support, When they join support room i would move them very quick.
?The Great Guy, I would talk very nice, I wont be Rude.
?Treat, I will treat everyone with the same support even with Media.
?Speech, I would help anyone that is down, so they can get there head back in the game.
?Response, When someone needs help or says staff tp i will be watching or msging them what do they need help with.
?Record, I will be recording everytime, so it will be faster to ban the player, since I don't need to record as soon as I see the hacker
?Contact,When I get dmed on telegram or discord asking a question or need to be moved in ts or something I would answer right away.
?Mutes, muting all the racist people and chat floods. I also will improve players experience by being the best staff (Not trying to be mean or saying sage staff are bad).


Can any current staff members vouch for you?:No

Additional Information?:I am 14 but i believe i can be staff.
[Reminder No school for this year] #StaySafe

?Monday 6 Hours
?Tuesday 5 Hours
?Wednesday 5 Hours
?Thursday 6 Hours
?Friday 8 Hours
?Saturday 9 Hours
?Sunday 8 Hours
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Veteran Member

Proof of staffing
More info in "If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:"
Also, HCRush and HCArtic shit servers :)


Active member

- Stated Above by @boomai
- Old ign when you we're staff on HCRealms? I'm a old Staff Manager.
- lack of detail.
- server you have been staff on are most likely Trial-Mod didn't really got higher then Mod / Higher.
- lack of experiences, (in my opinion)
- doesn't meet the age requirement.
- unorganized..
- color scheme.

(Most server you have been staff on, we're servers that closed down)



Known member
---Reasons Being---
- Lack of Detail
- Age requirement (as stated above)
- Messy
- Applying for others (servers)
- Need Proof on staff experience so we know your aren't just saying that. (NOT to say you are)


Thank you for taking the time to submit an application, but unfortunately it’s been denied.

- You've resigned on so many servers when hard times hit, what is there to convince me that you won't do that in the event that happens here?

You may re-apply in 2 weeks time. Please take this time to revise your application if need be.
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