LillaBlatten's Staff Application


New member
What is your current IGN (in-game name)?: LillaBlatten
How old are you?: 20 years old
Are you fluent in English?: I'm from Sweden so i can speak fluent Swedish & English
What region are you from (NA/EU/AS/AU)?: EU
What is your Discord & Telegram?: Discord - kurden1891 & Telegram - @enkurd
Do you have any past staff experience (include proof, explain your roles & responsibilities)?:

I was staff on the network "Astray HCF", a pretty big HCF community. It was a server that was crucial for screensharing since it was a heavily pvp network, having HCF, Practise, And Kitmap. I managed to get promoted alot then left the server due to lack of interest and time. It was a while ago, i played on my school computer and now i bought a better gaming computer cause i got tired of just playing Xbox.

I just need to say and explain a few things. I played Minecraft alot like 3-4 years ago, i learned how to code Discord bots, spigot/bukkit plugins and i really had a intrest in the HCF community. I joined a couple of server and remind you that back in the days i had a Minecraft account that i bought on when it was available there, alot has changed since then haha, but let me get to the point. I had an account i don't remember the login, or even the name i had on my account. So i bought a new account and i just recently started to play Minecraft again.

Why do you want to be a staff member?

I wish to become a staff member to expand on the server. I wish to hit the servers capabilities, by sustaining a nice and peaceful community. I am willing to be active on the server alot, and not get bypassed in screenshares, or bypassed anyway else.

What makes you better than other applicants?

Everyone says that they are "professionall" and take the "job" seriously, but 60% of the people who applies just talk shit tbh. Me as a person i am very loyal, i will bring my absolute 100% into the server whenever i am logged in. For an example in Discord or Teamspeak, i will be in support rooms and help the players and of course i won't be able to help everyone and know everything, but when that happens my second strenght will kick in. I am very good to work with other people because i see staffing as a real IRL job, so you and you're colleagues must klick and have a good relationship i think cause the better the staff are with eachother the better the players will be treated.

How active can you be per day?: I can be active 4-6 hours a day.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?: No i don't think so.
Are you willing to learn to screenshare?: I would say i am pretty good at screensharing but i will always learn more from other members in the staffteam and even take criticsm if there is something i can do better.
Anything else you would like us to know?: No i don't think so actually :)