Denied LFT's Youtube app (or famous)


GN (In Game Name): LFT
Youtube Channel (Link):
Amount Of Subscribers: 1,098
How many videos do you have on SagePvP?: 0, but working on uploading
Average amount of views per video: 150+
Will you be seriously committed to uploading on the server?: yes
Why do you want to have the famous / youtube rank on our network: Just a new server to play, currently playing with Envy and since they win everything it'd be a different perspective than say a person who traps or lives in a pumpkin or something like that.


Well-known member
Your media application has been Denied due to the following reasons:

- You have not uploaded a minimum of one recent video on SagePvP

You must have atleast 1 video on Sage, however 2 is recommended. Upload some videos on Sage and you may reapply.