Denied LewbiEdits Staff Application

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Active member
IGN: LewbiEdits

Age: 15

Timezone: GMT

Country: United Kingdom (England)

Do you own a quality microphone? Yes (Blue Snowball)

Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?: Yes i have discord and teamspeak and telegram just need to find my telegram login

Do you have any previous staff experiences?:
I have a ton of past staff experience and even some ownerships of them.

ArexMC: Proof ( )
I was owner on a server called ArexMC what i made my self it didnt go very far as lack of money and players brought it to a end but it taught me alot about commands rules ect.

PvPHQ: Proof ( )
I was admin on a server called PvPHQ what is a soup factions server. i would help them config ect i had access to console. But after a couple of weeks of developing the server and making it good before it even oppened the owner (Karsteen) quit with it and just stopped it all the server delete the discord everything just came to a end without saying bye. but that taught me a lot about teamwork and working together. his dev helped me learn a bit about developing and plugin and how they work.

LiteMC: Proof ( )
I was sr admin on Litemc the owner was a developer who made plugin and taught me a lot about patient and dealing with angry players the server was pretty small but a resigned about 2 weeks ago because he doesnt have much time so i wanted to go to a different server. I had alot of fun with the server but it was just getting a bit anoying.

ZionteMC: Proof ( )
ZionteMC was a semi big server with alot of kind and helpful people everyone was kind and thats what made the server good because everyone worked very well together so that made everything work alot faster and more organised. that server helped me alot with dealing with angry players and what to do in sticky situations. the server was very good as we would have weekly staff meetings to talk about how our weeks went and what the server should change/improve and we did karaoke sometimes in between breaks in the meetings. I have now resigned from the server as i just didnt want to work with them anymore because of a person who got mod what was very toxic and not very kind to other staff members and verbally racist. I was helper on there.

ReflexMC: Proof ( )
ReflexMC i am still staff on there as helper but i can ballance my time over both servers and help both as i can multi task with 2 mc's as helper i can work with chat and help players. i havent been staff on there for very long so i havent learnt much there yet as it not open rn. so there isnt much to say about it.

Chaincraft: Proof ( Sorry i have non because it was 2 years ago )
Chaincraft i was moderator on there this server probabily helped me the most because it helped me with my maturity and toxic this server helped me to not be toxic and act my age and not mess around ect.

OpMines: ( Proof sorry i have no proof as i resigned a long time ago and i have a new pc )
OPMines didnt teach me much the owner was very toxic and just wasnt good most of his friends were mod+ and anyone who applied and was accepted just stayed helper it was hard to get promoted. i was helper for nearly 2 months and just resigned after that because i was getting sick of it and you were literally a chat mod and the community was extremely toxic and there were many hackers who would never be banned.

That is all the servers i have been staff on.

Why do you want to become staff?: I would like to become staff because it looks like a great server and is very professional server. i think it could go very far and i would like to join it through its journey i have donated some money to this server so i would like to give back and help players who are in distress or need support. i would like to become staff because i dont see many staff on and when i need help there is no one to assist me. i would love to become staff on this server because you have a great manager who is very good. another reason i would like to become staff on here is because of the community it isn't toxic and it very chill which other server don't have. I just like to let you know i would love to become staff on your server. another reason i would like to be staff on your server because I saw you are looking for staff and I have played your server for many weeks and I really enjoy it so I would like help other people have the same experience I had and apply for staff. I can bring many things such as Screen Share tools or a manual for all the staff to use when Screensharing a player. I have done support rooms before so I know what I am doing and it is not too hard to catch some cheaters. I really just enjoy helping people out especially in support rooms. I would like to make the server a better place than it already is and rid all of the toxicity. My past experience has taught me a lot and I have not been staff in a while so I would like to try it out again and also try to benefit your amazing server. I would never upset anyone on the server if its at my own will, but I would always obey the rules and guidelines that are set. I want to please all the players and make them all happy. I sometimes see on servers (not this one in particular) that when I /helpop or call for staff they do not come the first time asked and I used to be staff and I always used to do this so I would like to try and help all SagePvP players. I want to be staff because I am passionate about it and also for the players because they need the staff to help them. I love the satisfaction of being able to help people and the positive feedback that some people give in return. I've been playing Minecraft since I was 12 years old and I really would love an opportunity to play a role in helping run and maintain a healthy server. I also really enjoy the practice and HCF community, I have been playing these game modes for a few years now and I understand how intense and irritating a large team fight can be when someone has an unfair advantage and I would really like to help out in those areas to come to a resolution for the problem at hand. Not only would this be a fun experience for me but it would also be an opportunity to meet new people. I personally love the mentality that I've seen so far from the mature staff team. I honestly think I can contribute great ideas and overall bond with the staff team. I'm well known for overall being a very nice and friendly person. I've personally seen how the staff team deals with certain situations and I think I can contribute ideas that can make these interactions go smoother. I admit I have been toxic in the past but I want to be better and some of the staff members on your roster right now are some of my long time friends I have either played with or staffed with in the past and I have been feeling like the game isnt really fun anymore and I hope I can dedicate myself to sagepvp. I want to feel the sensation of what I felt before when I was once staff on the server.

Why should we accept you as staff?:
I have a lot of reasons why you should accept me here are a few of them

I enjoy working with a team, working with others who are trying to accomplish the same goal is something that comes naturally to me. I have worked with countless groups in real life, and online. I believe that working with others is much more fun than working by yourself, even more so when it’s with people you already enjoy being around. I’ve been apart of the Event team for quite some time now, from my experience, communication, thoughtfulness, and common sense are the most significant requirements for being successful working within a team. By this I mean that an individual can not control teamwork, it requires one to have an open mind.

I am quite knowledgeable about cheats, I have used cheats (not on public servers) for testing purposes and just for fun with friends. I understand many methods for recognizing a player that is using hacks; movement is a huge giveaway, for anybody that has been playing Minecraft PvP for some time, it is easy in most cases to recognize when another player is moving a strange way. For example, I’ve noticed as a helper, when I am in spectator mode watching players, sometimes, some players that have cheats can see you while in spectator mode. This is a result of the ESP cheat, it allows the cheater to be able to see spectators and other players.
Another Reason what gives me a higher chance of getting staff is that i can deal with angry players and calm them down and help them in the fasted way possible. As i have owned a server and been staff on many other servers i will be able to get start to me staff position and help out the community banning hackers ect without having to hassle other staff members and ask for assistance with commands and other staff roles. I think this gives me a big advantage. One other reason i think i have a high chance of getting staff is that i can record hackers so no player can say there is no proof and i can ss players with a program i use called (Azran). Another big reason what gives me a high advantage over others is that i'm extremely active here is my schedule to show you. You can check if u want to and i can prove to you if i get staff.
My Schedule:
Monday: 3pm - 12pm
Tuesday: 3pm - 12pm
Wednesday: 3pm - 12pm
Thursday: 3pm - 1pm
Friday: 3pm - Whatever time i go to sleep
Saturday: Whatever time i wake up till i go to sleep
Sunday: Whatever time i wake up till i go to sleep
On weekends i normally don't do much other than play mc so i can be extremly active.

Additional Information: not enough space sorry

Many Thanks,
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Active member
sorry pyralax i had to remove a ton of it because it was longer than 10,000 letters but i fixed it now but i had to remove a ton


Active member
I am still staff on there as a helper but I can balance my time over both servers and help both as I can multi-task with 2 mc's as a helper I can work with chat and help players.
Don't really think you should be accepted due to this. Double staffing isn't really allowed when you're a Sage staff member, so I suggest resigning on that server or just no applying here at all.


Active member
Don't really think you should be accepted due to this. Double staffing isn't really allowed when you're a Sage staff member, so I suggest resigning on that server or just no applying here at all.
Well if I was to get staff on sage I would definitely resign on the server


Active member
Everyone Reflex has shut down now so I will not be double staffing I am not staff on any servers right now
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