Denied Lawin - United States

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Active member
IGN (In-Game Name):
Lawin (
United States of America
Do you own a quality microphone?:
Blue Snowball
Do you have Discord, Telegram & Teamspeak?:
Discord : Ryann#1895
Telegram : @VadeYT
Teamspeak :, Lawin
Do you have any previous Staff Experience?:
Rank : Moderator
Demoted : I was demoted due to inactivity. I wasn't very active due to school reasons and upcoming tests.
Proof :
This was around August to July.
Rank : Senior Moderator
Resigned : I have lost motivation on the server due to lack of player base and mostly enjoyment on the server.
Proof : & @Reframinq can vouch.
Rank : Senior Moderator
Resigned : The server was planned to be up at a specific time, and was decided to be put on break.
Proof :
Rank : Moderator
Resigned : The server wasn't functioning as best as before, due to the new Ownership team which lead to me resigning
Proof : Refusal (Former Management for HCNations)
Rank : Moderator
Resigned : I was applying for staff on a different server which I got accepted on and resigned on WrathHQ
Proof : (Proof is not very good but I tried my best to get the proof)
Rank : Platform Admin
Proof :
Rank : Platform Admin
Proof :
Resigned : Server was not doing so well which lead to my resigning. (I apologize about the proof but I could not have found a better one.)
Rank : Trial-Mod
Proof : N/A
Resigned : I have resigned because of the toxic staff. Half of the staff team were very young at least 13 and young.
There is more then the server stated above. These are just some of my greatest accomplishments.
Most of the other servers I was staff on does not have proof.
Why do you want to become Staff?:
There are some main reasons why I choose to apply on SagePvP beside other servers.
Well I chosen a big server like SagePvP because I have majorly improved with dealing with players on multiple servers. I also feel like this can be a great learning experience, I can learn more about the community, staff team, and more. When it comes to being staff it is very important that you have to be polite to the players, and not only that assistance. When a staff member is needed assistance other staff members can always help. What I can also bring to Sage is my experience, when it comes to experience I know what to do for example, support, and most importantly activity. Activity is a major key for me because I can be on for around 4-6 hours a day. It can be very nice that I can involve myself with the community and interact more with the players and help anyone that needs help. Some other reasons why I want to become staff on the Network is that I am a type of person to fully dedicate myself to a single server which that would be SagePvP. I also try to increase my knowledge after being staff on different servers. Sage can be a very different server then others, mostly from its player base and I want to try to increase it by mostly giving myself a new start on being staff here! I also try to become friends with the staff member and have an opportunity to meet them and try too learn off by their experience.
Some of my main goals is to get rid of cheaters, and mostly toxicity. Both of these can pull people away from the server and can possibly have a low player counts. They can ruin new players HCF Experience and makes them want to quit to another HCF Server. I make sure to do my best in the Staff Team to keep all situation under control so it will not escalate so quickly.
I also make sure players will not break the rules off the server. If so they will be given the punishment provided by the Staff guide.
Why should we accept you as a Staff?:
These are some of the strengths that I have mostly,
Professionalism : When it comes to becoming a staff member on ANY server Professionalism is a requirement. I am very mature when it comes to be staff on servers. I can handle important situations in a very mature manner.
Activity : I put all my staff into staff for servers and dedicate my self to prove myself as a loyal type staff member. Even during school hours/days I can still at least put 3-6 hours depending on the days. I always put my activity in the Server, Teamspeak Support, Forums, and Telegram.
TeamSpeak : I am always 100% active in the Teamspeak. Whenever a player needs help inside "HCF Support Waiting Room" I will always be in a support room to assist them and help with their needs. When it comes too toxicity I do my best to help them while they are being toxic. I also try to keep them calm at all times to not escalate the situation.
Recording : I am able to record via OBS Studio, which gets frames of 140-160, this can be very helpful for me to post majority of my proof like bans, mutes, and warns.
Communication : When it comes to TeamSpeak support I am very good at communicating with a player that has a hard time with a situation. I can easily understand their situation and possibly relate depending on the situation. Communication is very important thing to staff team so they can understand the player's issues.
Evidence : Whenever it comes to punishments, I'm very good with providing proof. For example, screenshots, Gyazo , and obs recordings. Everything will be organized into certain sections and will be ready to be provided the proof and what the consequences they are facing. This also proves that the staff member is correct about their punishments.
Can any staff member vouch for you?:
Yes, a former staff member named Refusal
Additional Information:
If needed my contact information are
Telegram : @VadeYT (Mostly Used)
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