Denied Koiq's Staff application [EU]

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Well-known member



I am currently 15 years of age.

GMT (Greenwhich meantime)

United Kingdom (Wales)

Do you own a quality microphone?
Yes, I currently have a turtle beach headset with the microphone.

Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?:
Yes, I have them all and I use them quite regularly.
Discord Tag: Koiq#1052
Telegram @: Koiqqq

TeamSpeak Username: Koiq

Do you have any previous staff experiences?:
Yes, I have many staffing experiences.

FaithfulHCF / Helper / Demoted
ViperMC / Trial-Mod / Resigned
PvPTemple / Moderator / Resigned
CavePvP / SrMod / Resigned
ParaPvP / Moderator* / Network closed
ValidHCF / Administrator / Demoted

Why do you want to become staff?:
I want to become a member of the staff team on Sage. The current state of Sage is growing much better than other HCF networks. I feel as if I should be allowed on the team, so I can improve my skills and standards. I believe that I can benefit the server a lot, by monitoring over the whole entire server/network and community. With my skills and knowledge about moderating on a HCF server and general knowledge about HCF, can really help new players out with any issues or questions that need to be answered.

I also do want to become staff on Sage so I can build a good relationship with the community and other fellow staff members. For me applying on Sage would be a great opportunity for me so extend my skills in Screen sharing people and to be gaining more experience as a Helper. Becoming staff is a very huge opportunity for many players, but becoming staff on one of the most popular and well known servers, is going to be quite difficult as I will need to be taking on many responsibilities, and be able to help and assist players when they’re in need of help, or if they have something urgent.

My skills are very good so far. I am great at screen sharing, although I do believe that Sage has there own set of rules on how they prefer to screen share. I would like to show the Administrators that I am capable of screen sharing players when I think they are suspicious and ban them if they are rule breaking. I do also know that sometimes there can be minor bugs/glitches and would like to report it, so that the server can fix it and make the server better than it is. Being on a well known server and quite popular will have different situations, tasks and challenges for me, I hope to overcome them and finish and complete them without fail.



Well-known member
Why should we accept you as staff?:
Being mature is a main thing to have as staff member but also as a person in real life. We can’t always take everything as a joke and have to be serious about things that can really hurt someone’s feelings or anything serious that may happen. When I deal with players, I will be very mature and calm when dealing with a player even though I don’t get along with them well.

Being professional is another skill to have for this job. We need to act and speak professionally or our reputation will go straight down. I need to keep my standards high and help anyone being professional at all times.

Screen sharing:
I am great at screen sharing, I know how to find files and other mod clients. I know the basics about screen sharing and how to find specific files like autoclickers, X-ray, etc.

Being responsible for every action and everything I say will be all on me. For every action, I need to be calm and not to be overwhelmed by pressure and lose my cool, and everything that I might say may not always be funny, sometimes it can be quite offensive, so I keep my mouth shut and think about what I am saying and what it really means.



Well-known member
I am always very positive and kind to everyone I meet, even though there are people I dislike, I have to deal with them at some point throughout the server. But keeping myself positive will be easy and will try to always speak nicely to everyone.

Being patient is 1 very important and necessary skill for being staff. Sometimes you will need help but you wait for a long time, yes it can be frustrating, but you will just have to wait until your turn is next. Patience, will give you things you want, but if your impatient your most likely not going to be helped any time soon.


I will check Teamspeak every once in a while just to see if there are any players that are in waiting rooms waiting for my support. I should always help everyone incase 1 might be urgent. Teamspeak will also be a great way to communicate with me, but I do use discord too, so that's another option.
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