Suggestion Kits Timestone Suggestion


New member
Ok so basically I had this mega big brain idea that suddenly popped into my massive brain while sitting in the HCF spawn area. My suggestion is to create some sort of item that is able to replenish kits and bypass the cooldown. Now there are many different ways this could be done. Obviously to start this item would have to be extremely rare or at least really hard to obtain them, whether they come from the gamble crates, mystery boxes or something of the sort idk. Secondly depending on how rare the item is you could make it either reset all kits (like the partner item timestone): or make the player have to choose one kit to replenish by either typing the name of the kit in chat or having the item open up the menu and make you click your desired kit. Furthermore if the item opens the menu it could be used as when the item is right clicked it will open the kits menu and when you select your kit that you wish to bypass the cooldown on; it will automatically pop the kit meaning that you must carry the item if you wish to use it in some from of combat scenarios rather than just resetting the kit cooldown and letting them keep the kit until it is need making the item slightly less OP.
Anyway these are just some of the many ways it could be used if the item is potentially implemented.