Denied KingKakashi's Staff Application


IGN (In-Game Name):

16 years of age.

Region (EU/NA/Other):
I am from North America, California specifically (PST).

Do you have any previous staff experience?:
ViperMc - Moderator (Resignation)
SOTW = 1000-1600
PLAYERBASE = 400-550 (Mid Map)
Discord- 16604 (Currently)
PROOF = ViperMc Proof

Minemen Club - Trial Mod (Resignation/LOA 2021)
SOTW = 1500 (Reset of Practice Season)
PLAYERBASE = 600-1000 (Daily)
Discord = 17093 (Currently)
PROOF = (Minemen Club Proof)

CavePvP - Adminstrator (Resignation 2020)
SOTW = 500-850 (In 2020)
PLAYERBASE = 200-300 (2020 and 2021)
Discord = 12030 (Currently)
PROOF = (Reset PC)

VanityMC - Moderator (Resignation 2019)
SOTW = 1000-2000 (2019-2020)
PLAYERBASE = 500-1000 (2019 - Present)
DISCORD = 21087 (Currently)
PROOF = (Able to ask Mitch)

FaithfulMC - Senior Moderator (Resignation 2018)
SOTW = 500-800 (N/A Since Botted)
PLAYERBASE = 100-300 (2018)
DISCORD = N/A (2018)
PROOF = (Ask Nafta)

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
In my opinion I wanted to become a staff member to improve the SagePvP Network. I wanted to become a staff server for the long haul, and just not for a couple of weeks and then just leave the network.
As a Staff Member I want to try and clean any rule breakers or anyone that might ruin a players experience. Rule breakers are not fun to have around, it doesn’t make it fun for the player when someone it’s playing the game incorrectly. I will try my best not to false accuse or ban anyone, if I do think someone is hacking I will take the appropriate measurements and I will record them so I have proper proof, even if I know someone is for sure hacking, I would still record so I have proof just in-case the person does try to appeal the ban. I do understand rule breakers are not only hackers there are still chat rules as well as other in game rules. As for the chat rules, I know there are some “toxic” and very unkind people in the chat, I would like to try and cut down on people who argue and are unkind to the players. I would try to privately speak to both players to see what the problem is and how we can solve it. I believe no-one should have to deal with someone trash talking them when all they are trying to do is have fun. Also, if I see someone say something in chat that is considered a mutable offense I will first take a screenshot of what the player said and then mute the player for the appropriate amount of time.I believe I have a good amount of skills that can help benefit the staff team in a positive way. I will use all the knowledge I have from previous staff experiences and apply them.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
Through my previous staff experiences and times of being staff, and even times of being unorganized and chaotic, I've learned different aspects about myself and players on different networks. Some, however I believe are necessary for you to hear and can give you a better image of what I'm capable of doing. The information that will be listed below will improve a players' experience and the staff experiences. I can get a server's hype going as well as a raise to the member count, whethere that is the server or communication device. Discord is the app for communication I use most often, as I know how to run it effectively and set up spiffy discords for servers. My expertise in discord allows me to host events through bots, and personal events announced globally to get in interaction with the community and to better the players. My job is to keep the staff hyped and make sure the players are having a great experience and are hyped for sotw, which is like a 'Double Double at In N Out.'

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
I would rate myself around an 8 out of 10. My entire application has been about lollipops and flying unicorns, I do have weaknesses, some of them I have overcome, others are 'pending'. A lot of the world suffers from procrastination which is why I wouldn't rate myself a 10, the procrastination isn't direct toward my work in-game, rather in real life and I do my best to get my homework done before games. I wouldn't say I suffer from "OCD", but I like stuff done in a certain way and for it to be worked very smoothly. I have some minuscule weaknesses that I can overcome and don't really affect me at all, but that is why I rated myself an 8 out of 10.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)
I haven't worked with a lot of the staff members here on other servers, so I won't list a name on who can vouch me.

Additional Information?:
My name is Ethan, my major in high school currently is Computer Science and I am taking another major which is Cyber Security. Ever since I've been growing up, I've just been fascinated on how a computer is built and how to protect my security. I am learning how to code in C#, and JavaScript. I am 16 years old, I've been playing MC since 2015 when Kohi and a few servers were created. I didn't play Kohi, but I started playing HCF in 2017.​


Established member
you were never staff on any of these servers, this account was bought lol

i know the original owner and he was mod+ on viper


you were never staff on any of these servers, this account was bought lol

i know the original owner and he was mod+ on viper
I am not here to argue, want me to dm Gted or xpis? A person tried scamming me for the account and failed. I've been the owner since 2015. I can also dm Hapis on telegram for proof I was staff on minemen.