Denied Jerom_'s staff application.


Known member
Decent application, could use more detail, not the strongest past experiences but overall decent


Known member
Thank you! where could I use more detail at? If you don't mind me asking.
I think more detail on “Why would you like to become a staff member?”
and I would also remove the strengths and weaknesses part and just highlight your strengths within the “if accepted how would you improve the players experience” section. :)


Active member
I think more detail on “Why would you like to become a staff member?”
and I would also remove the strengths and weaknesses part and just highlight your strengths within the “if accepted how would you improve the players experience” section. :)
Alr I will do sometime soon thank you!


Established member

Staff Application Format:
IGN (In-Game Name): Jerom_
Age: 15
Region (EU/NA/Other): NA
Do you have any previous staff experience?:

AngelPVP - Trial Mod

AngelPvP was one of my first ever staff experiences. I applied and a few days later was accepted as a Trial mod.
The server could range from 60-90 Players a sotw and maintained atleast 25+ a day.
Was demoted after being unprofessional. Sadly I have no proof of me being staff.
RevengePVP - SrMod

RevengePvP was my FIRST ever staff experience. I was accepted as a mod and worked to Srmod Before I resigned as of owner being exposed for dox threats and scamming f top payouts. Did not get proof as I forgot to.
server got 70+ on sotw and maintained 30+ daily.

syncpvp - Admin

SyncPvP was a server I got staff on after I took a 5 month staffing break. It was a server that was also owned by Verybasic.
Got a decent amount of players I dont remember how much. I would say 50+

HCRiots Mod
HCRiots was my most recent staff experience. (With a server that has released)
It was able to get about 70+ players a SOTW but thats all because we did end up getting greifed by a owner.
proof of me being T-Mod but I was promoted:


Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I would like to become a staff member at SagePvP because I want to gain experience and help improve the server while doing that. I really want to help out the server in any way that I can. I would Also love to meet other staff and have a good experience with them and get to know staff and players very well. I just feel this would be a good experience for me as most servers I am a head staff member and I feel starting as a trial mod will give me the chance to learn some more about the server and staffing. I also am a very helpful person and I am also very nice. If anyone asks me questions I am here to help and answer their questions to the best of my ability. I am very active and I think that would help me get to know the community a bit better. just being active being in support rooms assisting people when it is needed.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

I would improve there experience by being a very helpful person. Say they come TeamSpeak showing proof of a bug/cheater/glitcher I would help them the best I can to make sure they get there stuff fixed. I could also make sure that all staff are doing what they are supposed to and make sure they are being nice to players. I would also improve the players experience on here by trying my hardest to think of cool new ideas the server could use to make their experience better. I would also Improve the players experience by being "That staff member" That all people love I will joke with people and make them laugh I will make sure people have a good day. In general I just love to help others.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

I would rate myself a 8, I am a very honest person in general. I feel I am mature as well I don't make fun of people or bully them. The only time I would lie is if a Higher up told me to do so. I record at all times so if the higher up lies and says he didn't I would have the proof to show the managers.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional) Moderator Fyn can

What is your telegram @?: @JeromHCF

Additional Information?:
In this section I would like to add some strengths and weaknesses of mine.

I am very good at remembering stuff.
I can take disrespect.
I love to help others.
I am very active.

I sometimes can snap and get really mad but I do have a dog near me to help calm me down.
I sometimes cannot get on as of Testing/School work/
I do sometimes panic and get really nervous.

(Note I will be gone on vacation from March 29th - April 3rd.)
