Denied IgnRawr Staff app

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Veteran Member
I ain’t going for staff anymore couldn’t be bother taking this fucking hate over a block game trying to help the community out
If you can't take criticism, you can't be staff. Have you seen, what other staff have been through such as Retrousse, etc.


New member
I can take criticism But idc littletikes I though you were chill but nvm
he can be chill and also not be onboard with your staff app, that's criticism, just because they are 'chill' doesn't mean they should be on your side, when these +1/-1's require honesty.


Elite Member
I have never told someone to kill themselves give me proof please my name wasn’t IgnRAWR when I was staff on para pots it was Rawr that it’s now stop hating on me just trying my best to help out the community and you haven’t seen the stuff that kid says about me but Idc if u 1- me but ty anyway
You realised staff is just gonna check your history right? Just saying there's no proof needed on his side.


Active member
If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
I would put My self at 7/10 Because i Like Being a Nice person and Tell Everyone what happent if something Went Wrong and i would Report it Straight away to a higher Staff member if needed <3" bro u spelt happened wrong and u put caps in the wrong place fuck off shit ass player changing his section cuz he knew he copied and gets 20 potted by me smh
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