Denied HunterSkeletonYT's | Staff Application


Active member
IGN (In Game Name):HunterSkeletonYT


Timezone:GMT +2


Do you own a quality microphone?:Yes.

Do you have Discord, Telegram & Teamspeak?:I do have discord, TeamSpeak,Telegram Discord:OOFEYOOF#0837 Telegram: I am not sure if it's right @Hunter Skeleton.

Do you have any previous Staff Experience?:Yes, I was a staff member on many servers I was a moderator/Trial/Helper/Admin/HeadAdmin I was a staff member on FaithfulMc (former), Minehut servers (In minehut and minehut servers) and a lot more. FaithfulMC Proof: Another one:

Why do you want to become Staff?:I want to become staff in SagePVP because I think I am enough graduate to handle and settle the rules on my back and protect them from any Hackers/Breaking Rulers, I know every rule in game/discord and I am very active and I am always opened for questions, I am helping others (Newbies), I am explaining them the rules and make the experience always better, I think I am a very good fit and I promise and swear to punish every Hacker/Breaking ruler. I want to help the community grow up as much as I can and I will make it always better.

Why should we accept you as a Staff?: You should accept me as a staff member because I am always active, I am opened for questions I am helping the community grow up and I am very serious about reports, and I am very serious about my rank to make sure not to abuse it, I am enough graduate to handle all of this.

Can any staff member vouch for you?:Umm, I guess not.

Additional Information:I hope to get accepted!

Lied About being staff on FaithfulMC

Saying that they reset his "Former Staff" account on the forums, I don't know that doesn't add up.


Active member
Just forgot to mention the pictures are old, I rested my account in faithful because I forgot my password and that's pretty much it I told them to reset my account but they said I won't get my role back.


Active member
If you don't believe you can go and ask them I have no problem with it, you just need to think twice before posting any thing.
Claims to change his username when he was staff on FMC.

Proof he didn't change nothing

I'm not gonna fight over forums because its bad on my side just please dont lie on your staff app i'm just doing the manager's and boting's a favour. Have a great day!


Active member
You know what funny, You cannot reveal out my information. It's called Privacy if you learnt in school.
Information? Didn't you just put 3 of your social medias on a staff application? Strange. I've said my word its up to head staff from here. Cya bro



Active member
That's because If they want to interview me Wow I think you lost some brain cells
You can easily put you Social Media in a teamspeak lounge, Not on a forums page for hundreds of people to see. So me revealing discord DM's must not be that bad if you can put your Social Medias on a forums page.


Active member
Okay, I wasn't staff on Faithful I admit, I just didn't want that people will know I was a staff member on minehut, I think I should deserve Immediate deny.




Well-known member

Lack of detail
Lack of effort
Lied about staff positions
Seems toxic

Good luck,
- Alf / Apposed​


I literally suck at everything I have ever tried.
Hello @HunterSkeletonYT, thank you for taking the time to apply for a staff position on our network. Unfortunately, your application has been denied due to one or more of these reasons;

- Lack of Playtime,
- Plagiarism,
- Immaturity / Toxicity,
- Lack of detail / Experience,
- Failing to meet the requirements.

You will be eligible to re-apply after two weeks. We suggest you take this time to improve your application.