Suggestion HCF Suggestions

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New member
Server : HCF
IGN : kiuni
Type of suggestion (teamfighting, ability item, rules, baseraiding, bugfixes, appearance) : HCF, abilitys, factions, etc.

Suggestion : That they add a /base (That you only build a glass cube that you can mark with an item that gives you as well as / F claim and that only leaves you inside the home, this would only be given with ranks) and that if you stay raid, they regenerate your base, everything but that they do not give you back what they stole and An event that several servers have been implemented that is a purge, that you can steal from other factions without breaking the fac, only open fences, chests, hoppers, etc. That can be used for people of low rank who play but do not have so many things, he can steal from people who claimeo opened his claim, he took out kits and did not play anymore and so they can be like everyone else having a low rank.

They can also add some gems but for the faction, every 15 minutes of each member 1 gem and each kill of faction 1 gem, and the leader or colider could use the gems and they could buy, for example, an item that lowers the regeneration time of the faction, instead of 21m about 16m, or also an item that instead of taking away 1 dtr takes away 0.75 and also being able to buy an ability that gives you 2 double chests full of pots (that ability is only obtained from the faction gems) and legendary keys for sets, etc. Also add a game in the chat, as the one who first writes a messy word wins a key, or money, etc. Or even a mathematical solution.

Also an event where for a specific time there is no cooldown of pp items or kill the dragon.
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