Denied HazzaCG's Staff Application

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New member
HazzaCG's Staffing Application

IGN (In-Game Name):

Age: 16

Region (EU/NA/Other): Eu (GMT)

Do you have any previous staff experience?: Mod - FyreCC, Admin - Ambience, Helper - Havoc, Manager - HCNexus, Mod - HCRise

Why would you like to become a staff member?: During my last staffing experiences, I really enjoyed helping the player base, and promoting the servers in many ways, I thrive to help the community have the best experience on the server, and to enjoy their time playing. Unfortunately due to a lot of work and exams that came up, I had to resign, however now that I have more time, I would love to get back into the staffing side of server, and help everyone to the best of my ability. Now that I have much more time, I am looking for a fun side activity to do again, besides from school.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: As I have a lot more time nowadays, I will be very active and on everyday, I can help any players that have questions or queries, and help catching cheaters, and rule breaks. When I am online, I will constantly be active, helping the player base and community with anything they need, making sure they have the best and most enjoyable time playing. My next most important focus, is to punish and sort of offence language towards other players, that can offend anyone, such as homophobia, racism and any other discriminative terms.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? I would say I am 100% honest, as I want to help the community and encourage it to grow. I believe that if you are dishonest, then there is no point in becoming staff, as eventually the server will die, and you're reputation will become very bad. For example if one of my friends was cheating, or if one of my staffing friends was abusing, I would instantly contact higher-ups with proof of the incident,.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: Unfortunately I do not know anyone on the staff team, however if I get accepted, I will be looking forward to meeting new people, and staffing with them.

Can you meet the weekly requirement of a minimum of 12 hours playtime per map? Yes, my playtime will be between 4-6 hours per day.

What is your telegram @?: HazzaCG

Additional Information?:
- I believe I am a man with many strengths and not so many weaknesses, which makes me a good asset to a staffing team.
- All of the servers that I was previously staff on, either shut down, had a very toxic community, or I had to resign because of IRL problems that came up.
- Another of my main strengths, is that I can speak multiple languages, such as German and Greek (fluently), and can understand some other languages like Spanish and French.

Many Thanks, for spending time to read my application. I am looking forward to hearing a response!
Kind Regards

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Established member
HazzaCG's Staffing Application

IGN (In-Game Name):

Age: 16

Region (EU/NA/Other): Eu (GMT)

Do you have any previous staff experience?: Mod - FyreCC, Admin - Ambience, Helper - Havoc, Manager - HCNexus, Mod - HCRise

Why would you like to become a staff member?: During my last staffing experiences, I really enjoyed helping the player base, and promoting the servers in many ways, I thrive to help the community have the best experience on the server, and to enjoy their time playing. Unfortunately due to a lot of work and exams that came up, I had to resign, however now that I have more time, I would love to get back into the staffing side of server, and help everyone to the best of my ability. Now that I have much more time, I am looking for a fun side activity to do again, besides from school.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: As I have a lot more time nowadays, I will be very active and on everyday, I can help any players that have questions or queries, and help catching cheaters, and rule breaks. When I am online, I will constantly be active, helping the player base and community with anything they need, making sure they have the best and most enjoyable time playing. My next most important focus, is to punish and sort of offence language towards other players, that can offend anyone, such as homophobia, racism and any other discriminative terms.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? I would say I am 100% honest, as I want to help the community and encourage it to grow. I believe that if you are dishonest, then there is no point in becoming staff, as eventually the server will die, and you're reputation will become very bad. For example if one of my friends was cheating, or if one of my staffing friends was abusing, I would instantly contact higher-ups with proof of the incident,.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: Unfortunately I do not know anyone on the staff team, however if I get accepted, I will be looking forward to meeting new people, and staffing with them.

Can you meet the weekly requirement of a minimum of 12 hours playtime per map? Yes, my playtime will be between 4-6 hours per day.

What is your telegram @?: HazzaCG

Additional Information?:
- I believe I am a man with many strengths and not so many weaknesses, which makes me a good asset to a staffing team.
- All of the servers that I was previously staff on, either shut down, had a very toxic community, or I had to resign because of IRL problems that came up.
- Another of my main strengths, is that I can speak multiple languages, such as German and Greek (fluently), and can understand some other languages like Spanish and French.

Many Thanks, for spending time to read my application. I am looking forward to hearing a response!
Kind Regards

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