Denied GymClass's Staff APP

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Active member
Minecraft Username? (Include NameMC Link):



Do you have access to teamspeak and a working microphone

Yes, I do have access to Both of the following requirements.

What is your age? (Must be 15 to apply):


What is your Timezone?:

Mountain Standard (MST)

Do you have the ability to record minecraft gameplay (Required):

Yes, I record with Nvidia Geforce Experience

How active can you be?:

Weekdays: Throughout the weekdays I can spend around 2-3 Hours moderating the server either on Discord, In-Game or on TeamSpeak. This is because I take part in extra curricular activities in and out of school.
Weekends: I can spend around 17 Hours on the Weekends moderating the server either on Discord, In-Game or Teamspeak.

Where are you from?:


Do you have any previous infractions on our server?:

Yes, I believe I have a couple but I have been unbanned on most of them because it was false.

Why do you want to become staff on our server?:

I believe that the server you offer here is a great place for me to carry on my passion of Moderating servers on Minecraft. Further more you have built a respectable community here and I want to be able to work with this and hopefully grow and nurture it in a professional way. I see things in-game that really bother me as I am unable to help with this problem, it's the same for teamspeak and discord. I want to make an effort to reduce the number of incidences, however I know and appreciate how hard the staff team works to put these things right. I personally enjoy playing this server and believe that it has done wonders for the HCF community and personally I believe it is in the top 5 HCF servers.

What makes you a better choice than other applicants?:

I don't think I have anything new that other Staff Members don't already have, however I would like to say that what I do is to the best of my ability. On here that is all I would give you (100%) I have a lot of good experience that you can take advantage of, for example Strive had around 200-300 players and around 2000+ in the discord (Maybe more) It's safe to say I am good at handling big crowds of players and even other staff members. I think I have a special character that can really help the staff team in good and bad times, it's very unique. It's very under stated however, I am good at answering the smaller questions that get overlooked by staff members; this allows you to involve yourself with the community and keep them engaged.

However I have a few key skills that may impact the server for example; Leadership, I have a Growth Mindset, Determined and Loyal. My Leadership is very good and has been key to previous servers I have worked on, whether that was for Staff Meetings, bringing the team through tough times or simply on a day to day bases of the server. I would say I have a Growth Mindset and I am always looking forward. I can add this to other people and make them develop this skill of having a Growth Mindset. I am determined and Loyal, I would devote my time to Cave and show my Loyalty even when the boat is rocked, I don't follow the crowd at all and always base things of my gut instinct. Even with what was around Strive and Platform at the certain time with all the controversy; I stuck through and believed. I would always be determined to complete all my work for Cave and then give extra because doing enough isn't good, always push your self to do extra!

If accepted, what can you do to benefit the server?:

I believe that I can benefit by giving my time up to the server and invest it in making the server a cleaner place for players. I want to be able to boost the Image of the server. I also said that I want to help out on Discord, Teamspeak and in-game, I will be active and be able to attend meetings. I believe that I have the right mindset for growing myself on here and working my way up on the staff team. I also want to be involved in spreading positive vibes on the server and not just with players with staff and media players, furthermore keeping the moral of the staff and players high in the bad times as I am known for being a funny and cheerful person.

What is your past experience:?

Strive PVP, 200-400 — Admin/Staff Manager
6 Months
I worked on Strive for around 6 Months, I was recruited from MCM by Jelly and was passed on for a formal interview by Advertized. At the start I was a General Admin and then moved to Staff Manager. I organised meetings, read Staff Reports and also Staff Applications (I also took lead in Interviewing the Trainees.)

HCNations, 100-150 — Sr.Mod (Fits Ownership and Oxs' Management or Starbucksfrappe.)
3 Months
When I joined HCNations through a Friend, I sent in a Resume and got accepted as a T-Mod. I wasn’t there long as the manager left and so had the owner, I left with them as the owner that took over, well it’s safe to say we didn’t have a good previous relationship. I really was only Screenshare Manager on HCNations. I tested the new staff on their Screenshare skills.
AwaiiHCF, 40-50— Staff Manager

4 Months
I was brought in on Awaii by Yeti (Owner) to sort out the Staff team and put the mess right that the previous Staff Manager had made. I was there for 4 months perfecting their Staff team and to which I thought I had done a good job.
ViperHCF, 400-1000— Trial-Moderator
Under a Month

I was at Viper from the start of it all. So when the Revamp released around a month before it I applied for staff. I was accepted and was actually staff for around a month after release. I was demoted for Inactivity and a Smaller report from a previous staff member, it was about a small altercation I had had with him.
MinemenClub, 300-500— Moderator

2 Months
I resigned from Minemen due to the fact that I had been going through some troubling times in my life. I just couldn’t let the game get in the way of my life, I also didn’t want to have to waste the highers times by waiting to demoted me, so I offered my position up to another person who could be more active.
ColdNetwork, 100-200— Moderator/SS-Moderator

5 Months
I was a Moderator on Cold for around 3 months and a Trial-Mod for 2, however I was really on and off with Cold as me and the Staff-Manager didn’t get on. The Owner stuck by the Staff Managers side everytime, people like Admins where resigning because they couldn’t deal with it. So I lead a small uprising and he was demoted, I repaid the owner by giving my time to the server and I reaped the rewards. As SS-Mod it meant that I could test new Staff Members on Screenshare abilities and Skills, it meant I could lead sessions and teach them how to perform a proper screenshare.
PvP Temple, 400-800— Trail-Moderator

1 Month
It was a short stint at PvP Temple, I was demoted due to lack of inactivity.
PVPClans — Owner
So I owned PVPClans for a good part of 6 months. I took the project on as I seen potential in someone else’s mess. I was my own Developer and made it into a Network with PvP Factions, KitMap, Practice and a small HCF side. The server had around 40-50 players and a solid staff team from Helpers, T-Mods, Mods, Sr.Mods, Head-Mods, Admins, Sr.Admins, the Owner. I would say it was successful and taught me alot about; Recruitment, Patience and to have a Growth Mindset at all times.

Additional Information:
I like cake more than muffins.​
Last edited:


Active member
Minecraft Username? (Include NameMC Link):



Do you have access to teamspeak and a working microphone:

Yes, I do have access to Both of the following requirements.

What is your age? (Must be 15 to apply):


What is your Timezone?:

Mountain Standard (MST)

Do you have the ability to record minecraft gameplay (Required):

Yes, I record with Nvidia Geforce Experience

How active can you be?:

Weekdays: Throughout the weekdays I can spend around 2-3 Hours moderating the server either on Discord, In-Game or on TeamSpeak. This is because I take part in extra curricular activities in and out of school.
Weekends: I can spend around 17 Hours on the Weekends moderating the server either on Discord, In-Game or Teamspeak.

Where are you from?:


Do you have any previous infractions on our server?:

I don't believe I do.

Why do you want to become staff on our server?:

I believe that the server you offer here is a great place for me to carry on my passion of Moderating servers on Minecraft. Further more you have built a respectable community here and I want to be able to work with this and hopefully grow and nurture it in a professional way. I see things in-game that really bother me as I am unable to help with this problem, it's the same for teamspeak and discord. I want to make an effort to reduce the number of incidences, however I know and appreciate how hard the staff team works to put these things right. I personally enjoy playing this server and believe that it has done wonders for the HCF community and personally I believe it is in the top 5 HCF servers.

What makes you a better choice than other applicants?:
I don't think I have anything new that other Staff Members don't already have, however I would like to say that what I do is to the best of my ability. On here that is all I would give you (100%) I have a lot of good experience that you can take advantage of, for example Strive had around 200-300 players and around 2000+ in the discord (Maybe more) It's safe to say I am good at handling big crowds of players and even other staff members. I think I have a special character that can really help the staff team in good and bad times, it's very unique. It's very under stated however, I am good at answering the smaller questions that get overlooked by staff members; this allows you to involve yourself with the community and keep them engaged.

However I have a few key skills that may impact the server for example; Leadership, I have a Growth Mindset, Determined and Loyal. My Leadership is very good and has been key to previous servers I have worked on, whether that was for Staff Meetings, bringing the team through tough times or simply on a day to day bases of the server. I would say I have a Growth Mindset and I am always looking forward. I can add this to other people and make them develop this skill of having a Growth Mindset. I am determined and Loyal, I would devote my time to Cave and show my Loyalty even when the boat is rocked, I don't follow the crowd at all and always base things of my gut instinct. Even with what was around Strive and Platform at the certain time with all the controversy; I stuck through and believed. I would always be determined to complete all my work for Cave and then give extra because doing enough isn't good, always push your self to do extra!

If accepted, what can you do to benefit the server?:

I believe that I can benefit by giving my time up to the server and invest it in making the server a cleaner place for players. I want to be able to boost the Image of the server. I also said that I want to help out on Discord, Teamspeak and in-game, I will be active and be able to attend meetings. I believe that I have the right mindset for growing myself on here and working my way up on the staff team. I also want to be involved in spreading positive vibes on the server and not just with players with staff and media players, furthermore keeping the moral of the staff and players high in the bad times as I am known for being a funny and cheerful person.

What is your past experience:?

Strive PVP, 200-400 — Admin/Staff Manager
6 Months
I worked on Strive for around 6 Months, I was recruited from MCM by Jelly and was passed on for a formal interview by Advertized. At the start I was a General Admin and then moved to Staff Manager. I organised meetings, read Staff Reports and also Staff Applications (I also took lead in Interviewing the Trainees.)
HCNations, 100-150 — Sr.Mod (Fits Ownership and Oxs' Management or Starbucksfrappe.)
3 Months
When I joined HCNations through a Friend, I sent in a Resume and got accepted as a T-Mod. I wasn’t there long as the manager left and so had the owner, I left with them as the owner that took over, well it’s safe to say we didn’t have a good previous relationship. I really was only Screenshare Manager on HCNations. I tested the new staff on their Screenshare skills.
AwaiiHCF, 40-50— Staff Manager
4 Months
I was brought in on Awaii by Yeti (Owner) to sort out the Staff team and put the mess right that the previous Staff Manager had made. I was there for 4 months perfecting their Staff team and to which I thought I had done a good job.
ViperHCF, 400-1000— Trial-Moderator
Under a Month
I was at Viper from the start of it all. So when the Revamp released around a month before it I applied for staff. I was accepted and was actually staff for around a month after release. I was demoted for Inactivity and a Smaller report from a previous staff member, it was about a small altercation I had had with him.
MinemenClub, 300-500— Moderator
2 Months
I resigned from Minemen due to the fact that I had been going through some troubling times in my life. I just couldn’t let the game get in the way of my life, I also didn’t want to have to waste the highers times by waiting to demoted me, so I offered my position up to another person who could be more active.
ColdNetwork, 100-200— Moderator/SS-Moderator
5 Months
I was a Moderator on Cold for around 3 months and a Trial-Mod for 2, however I was really on and off with Cold as me and the Staff-Manager didn’t get on. The Owner stuck by the Staff Managers side everytime, people like Admins where resigning because they couldn’t deal with it. So I lead a small uprising and he was demoted, I repaid the owner by giving my time to the server and I reaped the rewards. As SS-Mod it meant that I could test new Staff Members on Screenshare abilities and Skills, it meant I could lead sessions and teach them how to perform a proper screenshare.
PvP Temple, 400-800— Trail-Moderator
1 Month
It was a short stint at PvP Temple, I was demoted due to lack of inactivity.
PVPClans — Owner
So I owned PVPClans for a good part of 6 months. I took the project on as I seen potential in someone else’s mess. I was my own Developer and made it into a Network with PvP Factions, KitMap, Practice and a small HCF side. The server had around 40-50 players and a solid staff team from Helpers, T-Mods, Mods, Sr.Mods, Head-Mods, Admins, Sr.Admins, the Owner. I would say it was successful and taught me alot about; Recruitment, Patience and to have a Growth Mindset at all times.

Additional Information:

*Drops Mic*?

This is hard to read. Try to make it easier to guide through. We cant see what you are capable of now really. Add some more detail as stated above. Will change on my thoughts. And gets you a higher chance being set on Pending.



Active member
This is hard to read. Try to make it easier to guide through. We cant see what you are capable of now really. Add some more detail as stated above. Will change on my thoughts. And gets you a higher chance being set on Pending.

ill make sure to get on to that right away thank you.


The application is decent, but in some parts, what your saying does not make sense, just make sure to have correct grammar at all times, and you'll be great!


Active member
The application is decent, but in some parts, what your saying does not make sense, just make sure to have correct grammar at all times, and you'll be great!
Definitely, your right thanks for the feed back and I will make sure to have great grammar at all times.


New member
[-1] The spacing is bad, same with the organization. You did okay going in depth of the servers you were staff on but you missed a key part of it, which was adding what you learned from those networks or what skills you mastered more on those networks..


Active member
[-1] The spacing is bad, same with the organization. You did okay going in depth of the servers you were staff on but you missed a key part of it, which was adding what you learned from those networks or what skills you mastered more on those networks..
ok thanks ill make sure to try and fix that.
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