Denied godmeme (Canada)

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Well-known member
IGN (In Game Name):
godmeme - (past in game names)




Do you own a quality microphone?:

Do you have Discord, Telegram & Teamspeak?:
Telegram - @ignGodmeme
Discord - nolan#6957
Teamspeak - nolan

Do you have any previous Staff Experience?:

Yes I have some staff experience (some I don't have proof)

Server - Lotus HCF
Staff Position - Trail Moderator >> Moderator
Player Count - 150-250 Players (SOTW 450+ Players)
I was apart of the Lotus HCF staff team from and it was a very good experience. I learned a bunch of essential things that staff members must know. With being a staff member on Lotus HCF I learned how to deal with several members of the community at the same time in a fast manner. Becoming apart of the staff team on Lotus HCF helped me expand my education on being a staff member for HCF. Lotus HCF had a very experience staff team who taught me very good tips into becoming a good staff member.The server was owned by the youtubers Adios and VanillaRaids so it was a big server and I was on the staff team for about 3 months before the server shut down.
Proof -

Server - Sage PvP
Staff Position - Trial Moderator >> Moderator >> Moderator+ >> Admin
Player Count - Fluctuates (was about 500-700 for sotw when i was staff)
I was apart of the Sage PvP staff team for about 4 months. Recently I got demoted and I think it was not a justified reason. I learned a lot from the Sage PvP network. I learned how to rollback, how to deal with players that have bad tempers and other things like that. I was really good friends with a bunch of people on the staff team and most of them didn't want me demoted and feel like my demotion was unjustified. I learned so much from the Sage PvP network.
Proof -

Server - Hydra HCF
Staff Position - Trail Moderator >> Moderator
Player Count - 200-300 Players (SOTW 500+ Players)
Hydra HCF was one of the first servers I was staff on. Hydra HCF was a well known network before it shut down. I was staff member on the Hydra network for about 3 months before getting demoted for inactivity. During the inactivity I was studying for exams and was playing high level hockey and the owner decided it was a good idea to part ways with me. I learned so much from Hydra HCF from basic to advanced skills of being a staff member. I learned numerous things from Hydra HCF and it was a great experience since the player base was a very diverse one and constantly needed assistance from the staff team.
Proof - None (vouches are very appreciated if u played when I was staff)

Server - JurassicHQ
Staff Position - Senior Admin >> Platform Admin
Player Count - Never released
I did a bunch of behind the scenes things like help hire and staff members and developers. I helped the owner on the server a bunch with marketing and making sure all the staff where aware on when the server is releasing and what not.
Proof -

Server - HCRival
Staff Position - Senior Moderator
Player Count - 100-150 Players (SOTW)
Didn't learn a lot from this server since the ownership and management isn't the best and I left in about a week of being staff on there.
Proof -

Why do you want to become Staff?:

I want to become staff on the SagePvP network for countless reasons. SagePvP has been the server I have been playing a lot of recently and I have quickly realized that it is a very fun and growing server that I would love to become staff on. The staff team is a very talented group of like minded players and I would love to become apart of the team! Bringing experience and maturity to a growing server and staff team is a big reason on me deciding to apply. I can teach newer and potentially younger staff members stuff I have learned from experiences. The SagePvP is my favorite server because of all the unique features that it has to offer, therefore being staff is in my best interest. The SagePvP network has an enormous amount of potential and I would love to grow along with the network. I see nothing but growth from the network and I would love to be able to help the community by being a staff member. I want nothing but the best for the SagePvP network, it would be an amazing experience to be apart of the staff team.

If accepted, how would you improve the players experience?

There are an endless amount reasons why I could improve the Sage PvP networks experience.

Experience - I am a experienced staff member (as shown above). Experience is key to a staff member. I will know a lot of staff member jobs (screen sharing, teamspeak etc.) This is a important trait of mine and can set me apart from the other applicants.

Flexibility - My schedule is very flexible and I can be on most days or whenever needed. My activity on the network is good and I will continue to be more active. Flexibility is a very key trait for a staff member to have. If the staff member is not flexible and active that shows lack of commitment to the network. I will be very committed and active as possible.

Respectful - Being respectful is a very important trait and is used in my everyday lifestyle. I am always respectful to my parents, friends, co workers etc. Respect is a extremely big deal when being a part of a staff team. Players and fellow staff members are deserved to be treated with respect. I will show respect when dealing with players and speaking with fellow staff members. Its as treating people as you want to be treated.

Understanding / Kindness - I am a very kind and understanding person. Being understanding is very important when being on a staff team. Being understand can help deal with players who are upset at something that went wrong. It helps being able to break down a situation and understanding what happened to the player and putting yourself in their shoes. Kindness is also an important trait when being on a staff team. Kindness is something that can go a long way and the players understand that. Players often say their favourite staff member is one of the kindest and understanding ones.

Time Management - Time management is an under looked trait when being a staff member. When helping people in teamspeak it should be a quick and easy process (unless more complex question / bug etc.) Time management is something I have learned to get really good at from activities that occur regularly (school, work, sports etc.) Time management is important when being on a staff team because you have to manage the time from helping in teamspeak, monitoring the server etc.

Patience - Patience is something that not everyone has but is a very important feature for being a staff member. I am a pretty patient person and have learned to be patient from working. Patience is nearly a must have trait when being a staff member. It is used almost everyday when dealing with people in teamspeak.

Independence - Being independent is a underrated trait when being apart of a staff team. I am a very independent person. I will not have to be told when to be active on the forums or help people in teamspeak, I will make sure to keep my self busy and productive when on the server

Can any staff member vouch for you?:
None (Would be Amarese)

Additional Information:
So my name is Nolan and I am currently 17 years old and I am in grade 12. I currently work at a grocery store serving hot food and have been working there for about a year. I work about 3-4 times a week (15-20 hours) so there will be plenty of time for me to be active on the server. I also play hockey and basketball during the fall / winter time. I am a very laid back and chill person that is liked by several of my peers. If accepted, I would try out doing staff series'. I am a very active on the SagePvP network and I will go hard if re accepted

Feel free to leave feedback - it is very appreciated
Thank you for reading my application I truly appreciate it.
- godmeme / Nolan​
1,419 words, 7,952 characters​


Well-known member
+ Lots of detail, and good answers
- Record of demotion on Sage and Hydra

I tried to resign on sage and the manager at the time begged me to stay, and then demoted me 3 days later.

Thanks for the feedback


New member
vouch - used to work with him on sage back when my ign was hcfskybridge

mature dude

was my mentor, taught me a lot of things i know now


IGN (In Game Name):

godmeme - (past in game names)​







Do you own a quality microphone?:


Do you have Discord, Telegram & Teamspeak?:

Telegram - @ignGodmeme​

Discord - nolan#6957​

Teamspeak - nolan​

Do you have any previous Staff Experience?:

Yes I have some staff experience (some I don't have proof)​

Server - Lotus HCF​

Staff Position - Trail Moderator >> Moderator​

Player Count - 150-250 Players (SOTW 450+ Players)​

I was apart of the Lotus HCF staff team from and it was a very good experience. I learned a bunch of essential things that staff members must know. With being a staff member on Lotus HCF I learned how to deal with several members of the community at the same time in a fast manner. Becoming apart of the staff team on Lotus HCF helped me expand my education on being a staff member for HCF. Lotus HCF had a very experience staff team who taught me very good tips into becoming a good staff member.The server was owned by the youtubers Adios and VanillaRaids so it was a big server and I was on the staff team for about 3 months before the server shut down.​

Proof -

Server - Sage PvP​

Staff Position - Trial Moderator >> Moderator >> Moderator+ >> Admin​

Player Count - Fluctuates (was about 500-700 for sotw when i was staff)​

I was apart of the Sage PvP staff team for about 4 months. Recently I got demoted and I think it was not a justified reason. I learned a lot from the Sage PvP network. I learned how to rollback, how to deal with players that have bad tempers and other things like that. I was really good friends with a bunch of people on the staff team and most of them didn't want me demoted and feel like my demotion was unjustified. I learned so much from the Sage PvP network.​

Server - Hydra HCF​

Staff Position - Trail Moderator >> Moderator​

Player Count - 200-300 Players (SOTW 500+ Players)​

Hydra HCF was one of the first servers I was staff on. Hydra HCF was a well known network before it shut down. I was staff member on the Hydra network for about 3 months before getting demoted for inactivity. During the inactivity I was studying for exams and was playing high level hockey and the owner decided it was a good idea to part ways with me. I learned so much from Hydra HCF from basic to advanced skills of being a staff member. I learned numerous things from Hydra HCF and it was a great experience since the player base was a very diverse one and constantly needed assistance from the staff team.​

Proof - None (vouches are very appreciated if u played when I was staff)​

Server - JurassicHQ​

Staff Position - Senior Admin >> Platform Admin​

Player Count - Never released​

I did a bunch of behind the scenes things like help hire and staff members and developers. I helped the owner on the server a bunch with marketing and making sure all the staff where aware on when the server is releasing and what not.​

Server - HCRival​

Staff Position - Senior Moderator​

Player Count - 100-150 Players (SOTW)​

Didn't learn a lot from this server since the ownership and management isn't the best and I left in about a week of being staff on there.​

Why do you want to become Staff?:

I want to become staff on the SagePvP network for countless reasons. SagePvP has been the server I have been playing a lot of recently and I have quickly realized that it is a very fun and growing server that I would love to become staff on. The staff team is a very talented group of like minded players and I would love to become apart of the team! Bringing experience and maturity to a growing server and staff team is a big reason on me deciding to apply. I can teach newer and potentially younger staff members stuff I have learned from experiences. The SagePvP is my favorite server because of all the unique features that it has to offer, therefore being staff is in my best interest. The SagePvP network has an enormous amount of potential and I would love to grow along with the network. I see nothing but growth from the network and I would love to be able to help the community by being a staff member. I want nothing but the best for the SagePvP network, it would be an amazing experience to be apart of the staff team.​

If accepted, how would you improve the players experience?

There are an endless amount reasons why I could improve the Sage PvP networks experience.​

Experience - I am a experienced staff member (as shown above). Experience is key to a staff member. I will know a lot of staff member jobs (screen sharing, teamspeak etc.) This is a important trait of mine and can set me apart from the other applicants.​

Flexibility - My schedule is very flexible and I can be on most days or whenever needed. My activity on the network is good and I will continue to be more active. Flexibility is a very key trait for a staff member to have. If the staff member is not flexible and active that shows lack of commitment to the network. I will be very committed and active as possible.​

Respectful - Being respectful is a very important trait and is used in my everyday lifestyle. I am always respectful to my parents, friends, co workers etc. Respect is a extremely big deal when being a part of a staff team. Players and fellow staff members are deserved to be treated with respect. I will show respect when dealing with players and speaking with fellow staff members. Its as treating people as you want to be treated.​

Understanding / Kindness - I am a very kind and understanding person. Being understanding is very important when being on a staff team. Being understand can help deal with players who are upset at something that went wrong. It helps being able to break down a situation and understanding what happened to the player and putting yourself in their shoes. Kindness is also an important trait when being on a staff team. Kindness is something that can go a long way and the players understand that. Players often say their favourite staff member is one of the kindest and understanding ones.​

Time Management - Time management is an under looked trait when being a staff member. When helping people in teamspeak it should be a quick and easy process (unless more complex question / bug etc.) Time management is something I have learned to get really good at from activities that occur regularly (school, work, sports etc.) Time management is important when being on a staff team because you have to manage the time from helping in teamspeak, monitoring the server etc.​

Patience - Patience is something that not everyone has but is a very important feature for being a staff member. I am a pretty patient person and have learned to be patient from working. Patience is nearly a must have trait when being a staff member. It is used almost everyday when dealing with people in teamspeak.​

Independence - Being independent is a underrated trait when being apart of a staff team. I am a very independent person. I will not have to be told when to be active on the forums or help people in teamspeak, I will make sure to keep my self busy and productive when on the server​

Can any staff member vouch for you?:

None (Would be Amarese)​

Additional Information:

So my name is Nolan and I am currently 17 years old and I am in grade 12. I currently work at a grocery store serving hot food and have been working there for about a year. I work about 3-4 times a week (15-20 hours) so there will be plenty of time for me to be active on the server. I also play hockey and basketball during the fall / winter time. I am a very laid back and chill person that is liked by several of my peers. If accepted, I would try out doing staff series'. I am a very active on the SagePvP network and I will go hard if re accepted​

Feel free to leave feedback - it is very appreciated​

Thank you for reading my application I truly appreciate it.​

- godmeme / Nolan​

1,419 words, 7,952 characters​
+1, might have to remove him from rawr chat.


Active member
+ 1

Amazing application! I like it very much.

- You meet all of the requirements.
- A good amount of proof.
- No grammar mistakes.
- Lots of detail

Your application is amazing and i wish you luck!



I think this dudes pretty chill and he’s got good experience. This would be a great pickup for the staff team
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