Denied GalaxyLova's Staff Application

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Known member
IGN (In-Game Name):
Region (EU/NA/Other):
Do you have any previous staff experience?:
I was Sr. Mod on Spanish Kohi.Life

I was Trial-Mod on ComplexPvP
None since it shut down before it even came up

I was Mod on HorizonPvP
None since it shut down before it even came up

Trial-Mod on HcKingdoms
Shutdown after they switched owners

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I would like to become a staff member since I love helping people. Helping people is something that I love doing and when I feel like I helped someone then it makes me happy. While helping people on the server I hope to make new friends. I hope to get rid of a lot of closet cheaters but also get rid of the people blatantly cheating on the server since I will be on the server for 6-8 hours daily maybe more maybe less. Another reason that I want to be staff on sage is I have watched this server grow in the Headed videos and tried to apply back then but got denied. This server looks like it has a lot of potential so hopefully, I can get staff and help the server out with its cheating problem and so I can be active in the Teamspeak to help people. Hopefully, if I get staff I can become friends with staff and players. To sum it up I want to try to help make the server better by being a staff member by getting rid of cheaters or people being toxic in chat or just to help people with an auto-brewer or something like that.
If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
I would improve the player's experience by being on the server for 6-8 hours a day. I would be checking in the discord for people that need help. I would be checking the Teamspeak for anyone that needs help and I would also be checking the website for ban appeals or anything that I am able to check when I am able to check it. I would watch the chat to see if anyone needs help with an auto-brewer or anything. I would make sure that no one is screaming "STAFF TP" because if someone is screaming "STAFF TP" Then it most likely means that someone is getting hacked on so I tp to them and freeze the person if they are cheating then ban. If someone is block glitching then I would punish them however they are supposed to be punished (Including my friends) and I would punish them after they get out of a fight if that is a rule on here in the staff guide since it is on some other servers.
Activity would improve the player experience since I will be on for 6-8 hours every day. I would be on checking the Discord for people needing help. Same thing for the website, in-game, and in Teamspeak.
Dedication would improve the player experience since I would be on the server or the servers Teamspeak trying to help people 24/7. If I am dedicated to something I wouldn't stop doing it I would just keep trying. So if I get SS verified and if I think someone is cheating I would SS them and I would try to find the cheats with everything that I got and everything in the SS staff guide if you have one.
I am a very honest guy the only reason I would lie is to save one of my family members just like many other people. Honestly is the best policy for me so if you are honest with me in the first place then the punishment might be better for you in the first place. I am also honest about if you are asking me about if someone was abusing or if someone was cheating like a friend. If a friend was cheating I would still ban them.
In-game Support
In-Game support would help the player experience since I would be on the server going from kits to HCF every so often and if practice opens back up I would do the same thing with that as well.
Discord Support
I would be checking the discord in my downtime to see if I can help anyone and if I cant I would try to get a higher staff to help them like type in telegram staff chat and say x needs a rollback or something
Website Support
I would be checking the website every so often in my downtime to see if anyone needs help with anything and if they need a higher up to do something for them then I would get a higher up and get them to help them out then.
I know how to find blatant cheats like Vapev4, Blatant Clients, most auto-clickers. I can see if someone is using high reach or low velocity so I could Screen Share them and see if they are cheating and hopefully catch them and get them off of the server.
Punishment times
I know most Punishment times since I was staff on the Spanish version of Kohi.Life which this was a while ago so I might be a little rusty but for the most part I know the punishment times but they do vary from server to server which is the only thing about the Punishment Times.
If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
8, Since I hate lying to people's faces and I was raised to not to lie.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)
Additional Information?:
I am Trevor, I am in 12th grade. I love playing video games and watching YouTube and Love streaming on YouTube in my free time and making YouTube videos. If allowed I would start a staff series on the server. I know how to find generic cheats like Vapev4, cracked vape, blatant clients (not the best at screen sharing since I haven't Screen Shared someone in a long time.) I also know how to find x-ray texture packs.

Leave feedback down below and tell me what I need to fix or add : )
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New member
+5 honestly such a good staff member and great to work with. This is a reliable person when it comes to moderating minecraft servers or discord servers. I wish you so much luck man. :D


Known member
Seems childish and the proof is lacking. You could easily fake that,
all of that proof is from the owners of the servers and then the other one is from when i was staff on If you want their discords I would be glad to give it to you so you can check yourself : )


Active member
-1 he just applied on cave about a week or 2 ago and got denied so he came here, big server hopper
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