Denied Fuiw | Staff Application (AU)

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Active member
IGN (In Game Name):
Do you own a quality microphone?:
Yes, I own a blue snowball.
Do you have Discord, Telegram & Teamspeak?:
Yes, my discord tag is Fuiw#8557, my telegram is @fuiww and I have TS downloaded.
Do you have any previous Staff Experience?:

PvPTemple [ Trainee ]
Being staff on PvPTemple was a good experience but at the same time a mix of emotions, Temple helped me grow into a better staff member while I was there, I became more professional, more experienced and a better person. I enjoyed my time at Temple and if I could do it again for the experience I would most likely accept. Temple also taught me how to moderate chat very well as most Trainees are forced to moderate chat for a promotion.

HCRegions [ Manager ]
I was manager on HCRegions for around 3-4 weeks, I worked there with a few other managers and owners that helped me become a better Manager, they taught me more maturity, how to be a lot more professional & how to truly be dedicated to a staff position. The server never opened due to Owner side issues although while I was Manager there I worked on the HCF coding and the Media recruitment + Staff recruitment

Lodge [ Manager ]
I was Manager on Lodge for around 2 months, I learnt quite a good amount of staff related tips and tricks to becoming better at my job, one big tip I learnt was how to screenshare better, they taught me what I was expected to do as the Manager. I'm an experienced Manager due to HCRegions and Lodge and am very fit for the Manager spot if Sage ever needed a replacement

AusHeroes [ T-MOD / T-HCF ]
I was Trial Moderator on AusHeroes for 3 weeks I believe, being staff on AusHeroes was a very good experience, at the end of my T-Mod trial they couldn't fit anymore Moderators and said if they did I would've been promoted a week ago. They offered me the T-Mod spot still until someone resigned or got promoted. I had worked super hard for Mod but after 3 weeks and another T-Mod offer I decided to decline the offer and resign.

VaultPvP [ Mod ]
VaultPvP was a server based over HCF and Kitmap, I was T-Mod 1-2 weeks and got offered the Moderator spot, 2 days after I was promoted the server fully shutdown and I was forced into resigning, the server recently came back up for a 2.0 although I accepted another T-Mod offer, I resigned a few days after seeing what the owner had been doing behind our backs. I only have proof of T-Mod but proof is proof.
Why do you want to become Staff?:
Firstly, I would love an opportunity as staff on Sage, the servers been running smooth and has had a very good player base in the past couple weeks, the staff team and the community is very welcoming although the players can get toxic some times. I remember the first time I played Sage it was the faction called "Apcays" we were playing as an 8 man faction. I was extremely active on the server and this was the first time I thought of applying for staff on Sage.

Secondly, I've been trying to rack up my experience and maturity for the time to apply on Sage, this has taken a while but after a few friends encouraging me to apply I decided why not try it. Sage has driven me to be a better person in many ways, it made me control toxicity so I'm barely ever toxic, I'm very respectful with other players on the server and off the server, I'm dedicated to sage and want to see it go somewhere and maybe I could be included in that trip.

Thirdly, I want to become staff to expand my knowledge of the staff role, making me better at the job and helping me and the server in the long run, I want to keep going for the staff role on Sage and never give up, sage has made me into a better person and makes me happy while playing the server. I want to see Sage go somewhere and not fail like most HCF servers besides the big ones, sage has grown into a good community like Faithful and Velt and I'm happy to be apart of the community.

Fourthly, I want to become staff to help out the community, the players and even some of the staff members that may have are in sticky situations on and off the server. I want to share my experience and knowledge with the community and help as much as I can. I want to make the server a better experience for the players and get rid of the players who want to ruin the experience for others for example, cheaters or even glitchers or toxic players.

In conclusion, I want to be staff on Sage to make the community a better place to be involved in, I want the best for the players and community, so they have the best experience on the server, first impressions are everything on MC servers especially HCF, if they don't like a staff member or they don't get quick and useful help fast they may never join back but I try my best to make their experience as close to perfect for the new and OG players.

Why should we accept you as a Staff?:
In my opinion this is why you should accept me as staff on Sage. I state below my skills and traits as a staff member and what I bring to the table.

Screensharing is a big part of being a staff member on a HCF related server, it shows you have good experience and good knowledge of how the more detailed staff expectations, I believe every staff member should be able to pass the screenshare test so that the team is balanced and always has someone to help helpers possibly ban supposed cheaters that need to be screenshared.

Being trusted as a staff member is key to having a good staff team who all can get along well, I want the managers, the owners and the other staff members to trust me. I've never applied on a server just to abuse my powers or to get a fancy rank. I want to be known as a helpful staff member and a trusted person in the community, to me being staff on Sage would mean a lot and if I wasn't trusted with my perms I would feel as if I shouldn't be accepted at all if I wasn't to be trusted later on.

Being dedicated to a server is very important, the amount of hours I spend on the server as a staff member would please the managers and other staff members, I spend a good 1-5 hours on weekdays and around 6-10 on weekends. I'm a dedicated staff member and I'm going to stay on Sage for as long until the server shuts or I get demoted. I want to work through the ranks on Sage from Helper all the way up, that's one of the main reasons I applied.

Say one of my friends were to be breaking the rules for example they were being toxic in chat and they were telling me not to mute them, I would tell them just because I know you as a friend, I'm staff for a reason and that's to punish players who break rules, I'm not biased to any friends and being biased is unfair on the community as every player should be treated equally fair.

I have a decent amount of experience as a staff member, this helps me and can help other staff members become better at their job and not just my job. My experience can help other staff members maybe if they get stuck in a situation and need help I can tell them what I would do from my experience. Experience is very important as a staff member and without experience you can mess up a lot of punishments and make the community angry. My past experiences taught me how to handle sticky situations and heated situations with other staff members of other players.

Being professional as staff is very important. If staff aren't professional on and off the server it doesn't represent the server in a good way and shows that the staff aren't professional or they aren't fit for the job. I'm very professional on and off Sage and servers I've worked at in the past. It also shows a good maturity level and what the community can expect from Sage. If a player was being toxic and rude towards me or another staff member/player I would be mature and toxic and deal with the issue being professional.
Can any staff member vouch for you?:
Additional Information:
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New member
I can vouch for this man. I was a manager on HCRegions with him and he was very mature, knew exactly what he was doing and was strict. The man is a legend and very honest when it comes to apps and staff in general.

I +1 this application.


Known member
Staff at CentileHCF


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Active member
  • Great detail.
  • Dedicated.
  • Mature.
  • Friendly
Maybe format the application better, some of the application is centred and the other part of the application is positioned to the far left.

Best of luck,


Active member
  • Great detail.
  • Dedicated.
  • Mature.
  • Friendly
Maybe format the application better, some of the application is centred and the other part of the application is positioned to the far left.

Best of luck,
Just noticed will fix thanks!
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