Denied Forgoing's Staff Application.

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Active member
IGN: Forgoing
Age: 17
Timezone: EST
Country: Unsited States
Do you own a quality microphone? Yes, I do.
Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?: Yes, I have all three.
Do you have any previous staff experiences?: I've ex t-mod on viperhcf and ex-mod on arcane.
Why do you want to become staff?: I want to become staff because I'd like to help out the network as much as I can. Also I feel like I can contribute a lot with my prior staff experience. It would also be a nice fun experience that I won't forget. If I'm accepted I look forward to being staff on the network for months to come, maybe even years. I also know what I'm doing in a lot of different situations such as faction getting insided, player getting killed by a hacker, ddos threats, swat threats, and players being toxic etc.
Why should we accept you as staff?: You should accept me because I have lots of staff experience. I'm also extremely loyal to whatever server I'm staff on. I know how to handle different situations in teamspeak and how to keep players calm in situations they'd be mad about. For example, if someone comes into teamspeak yelling/arguing with me over something, I'd take away his talk power calm him down by telling him I'd help him as best as I possibly can. When I've explained myself I'll give the player talk power and listen to him. Also if theres two factions coming in teamspeak about a situation I'll make sure to listen to both sides of the story before making a final decision. I know not to be bias towards players even if they are my friend that is playing the network, as a staff member I'm supposed to treat every player the same and with the most respect. I also know that as staff on the network I'm somewhat the face of the network and know I should be respectful and non toxic on other networks because what I do while staff on sagepvp reflects the server and the way they handle their staff. From both the networks I've been staff on I've taken something with me after I've left. From arcane I learned the basics of being staff and how to deal with support rooms and with players that get special treatment (abusive staff members letting their friends break rules.) From viper I've learned that if I have problems with any staff members to ignore it and if they antagonize me instead of getting angry I should take it straight to the manager.
Additional Information:

- You must be at least 14 years old [✔️]
- You must have at least one previous HCF staff experience [✔️]
- You may not plagiarise or copy another users application [✔️]
- You can not be a toxic member of the community [✔️]


Active member

- Lack of detail
- Lack of experince

Good luck!
May i ask how? "lack of experience" As I said in my application I'm ex staff on two very big servers, at it's prime arcane had around 4k players, viper had lots as well.
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