Accepted foew I Youtube Application


IGN: foew


Amount Of Subscribers: 184

How many videos do you have on SagePvP?: 2 and planning to do more this SOTW

Average amount of views per video: 115 average

Will you be seriously committed to uploading on the server?: Yes, I'm excited to see the server help me grow as a youtuber and the server's community grow into something amazing.

Why do you want to have the famous / youtube rank on our network:
Even though I am under the expectations, I enjoy recording on Sagepvp, meeting new people, and getting amazing clips. In the past 2 SOTW's I have been in, I have noticed that the community here is amazing and one of a kind and I would enjoy recording on here daily. Overall the main reason I would like to get the Youtuber rank on this server is because I enjoy playing with fantastic people and on a fantastic server.
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Established member
Sure, seems good.
I don't see why not, but at the same time I don't know the requirements for sage so.