Fix the staff team

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Kibes' Pet
Dear Jacob,

Fix your staff team. None of your staff seem to know how to treat their players or even know how to STAFF. They just think they can do whatever they want, including your plat-admin "ChronicSeizures". I get frozen and brought in to teamspeak to be moved by Littleross. He asks me if I want to admit to cheating so I do admit and then he keeps asking me stupid questions so I give him stupid answers because I already admitted to cheating. I then get banned for 14d for "Admitted to cheating" and then go on with my day. Well a few hours passes by and I check to see how long my ban is again and then I'm banned for "Ddosing". I make my way over to the teamspeak and get moved by ChronicSeizures and so does my friend hqckeyxd who this happened to too. Littleross is also in the channel and we ask him why we are banned for ddosing. He tells us we are banned for ddosing because he "Could tell in the tone of our voice" we were trolling in the teamspeak whenever we admitted to cheating. He asked us if we admit to cheating and nothing else. We were giving solid points on why we should not be banned for ddosing because there is no proof of me or hqckeyxd ddosing anyone because we dont do that shit and he just keeps saying the same thing over and over because he has nothing else to say because he knows we are right. He has nothing on us that is related to ddosing because we both admitted to cheating. After we get them to go silent because they can't think of anything else to say, ChronicSeizures says we were trolling even when he wasn't in the teamspeak call when we admitted and then proceeds to ban us from the teamspeak for doing absolutely nothing wrong. Chronic also told us that even if they ask us if we admit to cheating, thats not what they are ssing us for. Its not only me having this problem either, as you can see in the link below, another player had nearly the same problem we did.
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