Denied FilmJim Staff Application (UAE/GMT+4)


New member
IGN (In Game Name):|
12 Years Old


United Arab Emirates
Do you own a quality microphone?:

Not at the moment
Do you have Discord, Telegram & Teamspeak?:

I have only discord, Teamspeak is currently banned in my country Telegram Il install it If i get accepted
Do you have any previous Staff Experience?:

I do have staff experience I own a server thats not that popular because its new but my friends play on it at the moment its closed because a partner abused his power
Why do you want to become Staff?:

Because I like this Server. I've seen Kenzoo play on it and IMakeMcVids and Melonite. They are really cool players and really pro. They inspired me to play this Server and I really like it, it's an awesome Server and I have been inspired by this server to make my own server, I could help you guys catch Hackers.
I am currently default rank and this Server is really nice thats why I want to help it out and get this stupid hackers out of here. They phase all ways they are
Stupid hackers I wish, I would get accepted so I could help the HCF Community from hackers, I would be a great staff member because I like how to ban hackers SS them I have AnyDesk. This server is very cool, and I am friends with coleahcola Cps_. And I am a very active player I can play everday if I don't have exams.
Why should we accept you as a Staff?:
I am a very experienced staff member I have been staff on a lot of server's and I can ban, And I know there are no offences its a permenant ban, some people that get banned might get banned and think that the permenant ban is a Mistake because they might have been banned on servers that have offences, If a staff member abuses his powers and I can get it on video I will send it to a High rank like Owner, Manager and Developer I don't know what ranks of staff are here
so if I get accepted you guys please could tell me what are the staff ranks here? and you guys should accept me because Im on for 2-6 Hours daily if I keep
studying I might just get on for 2 Hours I don't make my own schedule so there might be some days that I won't be on for like maybe 2 days.
Can a staff member vouch for you?:
At the moment I am not friends with any staff member here
Additional Information:
Discord is currently banned in my country but us people found a way thru the block of discord if my microphone is laggy at any momment it means they blocked They found a way to block the glitch and I am going to not lie but sometime's my anger issues take over me, so I won't like anybody like to make a joke thats a
bit bad because I am not good with jokes but I really like this team and I would be happy to join it even working with staff and the owners make me happy
I would like to join this team because it looks like a happy team and we should take care of the members of the team as a family and if something happens
to someone we would take care of him and help him go throught what ever happened to him and in his life and what a team should do is stand up for there
team to help them and I really like this server its cool, Wish me good luck.


Way to underaged
No detail and weird coloring in the middle of the application
You have anger issues
Any VoIP Service is blocked (Teamspeak, Discord, and Telegram)
You will have no communication to be a staff member

Sorry because I know its not your fault


I literally suck at everything I have ever tried.
Hello @FilmJim, thank you for taking the time to apply for a staff position on our network. Unfortunately, your application has been denied due to one or more of these reasons;

- Lack of Playtime,
- Plagiarism,
- Immaturity / Toxicity,
- Lack of detail / Experience,
- Failing to meet the requirements.

You will be eligible to re-apply after two weeks. We suggest you take this time to improve your application.