Denied Famous / Partner


IGN (In-Game Name): NotSupreme

YouTube channel link:

Amount of subscribers: 20214

How many videos have you uploaded on the server?: I have uploaded a total of 2 videos, 5700 views and 5500 views, it's a pot pvp, your server I have in the label, just above, if I should get the rank Famous / Partner I will shoot videos from your server as well.

How many videos do you plan to upload on the server per week?: 1


Active member
Seems like a good youtuber, has a TON of subscribers, hasn't been one of those on sagepvp in a hot while, seems odd that you only have 2 videos though.


Established member
Thank you for taking the time to apply for a media position on our network, but unfortunately, your application has been denied due to one of more of the following reasons:

- You have not uploaded any recent Minecraft content,

- You don't have at least 1 video uploaded on the network,

- You don't average over 200+ views,

- You don't have over 400 subscribers.