Denied Faitingu's Application (NA)

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IGN (In-Game Name): Faitingu
Age: 15
Timezone: Eastern Time (United States)​

Do you have any previous staff experience? (If so, list them below):​

I was a Trial-Mod of the Minemen club for around 2-3 days, here I learned how to deal with numerous rule breakers at once and also taught me how to handle cheaters when not being able to punish them personally. Unfortunately, I was demoted because I was accused of cheating when I clicked 19 cps with my mouse and to this day the staff never screenshared me or anything of that sort to prove I was in fact cheating. The server expained how to handle being in a large community though and how to deal with situations which were not limited to drama, accusations, and other sorts of non tolerable acts on the server. I am greatful for getting the time be staff on MMC as it also trained me how to interact with the community and to better understand how someone felt when they needed support in team speak, I never regret being staff on here and never will as I will always remember this.


Murder was a server that greatly helped with my staffing experience by ensuring that I always checked support rooms to make sure everything had what they needed to play on the server. I also want to add that I was staff on Murder for around a week then resigned due to a leg injury which caused immense pain and hence I couldn’t be staff on Murder anymore. Last but not least I want emphasize that I loved being staff on murder and the impact it had on my career as a staff member.


Op Craft was a 200-300 player network that used to be the center of attention for most faction players from all over and I was part of this community being essentially a Moderator (Trial-Mod had gotten a renamed to Mod after I resigned). I was on this server for around a month and I enjoy it because it taught me the essentials to spotting closet cheaters and blatant cheaters alike. This also taught me how to handle extensive toxicity on the server and how to deal with ban reports on the server. I resigned due to the server falling apart and I did not enjoy staffing as that server become very toxic to the point where I felt sad for the players who had to deal with this. Another point I want to say is the user "Defractured" was my old in game name and should not be confused with anybody else. There are somethings about the server I didn't like thought like the fact that the server was continually ruined by a sellout owner who would do anything for money and do nothing for the community like for example, he blacklisted one of his friends because of jealousy and this was a another reason why I left the server. Along with bad management I also want to add that the staff team was very kind and tried their best to keep the server together during this time but I could see the server fall apart bit by bit, I also believe that the server was great for a time by quickly dissipated due to greed, power, and money.


Why do you want to be staff?:

There are many reasons I want to be staff on Sage, but the main topics I will disclose in this application. One reason is because I want this server to be a safe haven for all players to enjoy and that so everyone is getting the support either on teamspeak, forums or on the server. For example, if a player is asking for a way to get on the forums, I immediately respond confidently and with a calm demeanor to ensure the player gets to where he/she is going. Secondly, I want to add that being staff means you represent the SagePvP network in an enthusiastic way no matter what, because of this I feel I have the right mindset to help the SagePvP network grow and endure as a community. I want to emphasize this because when you are trying to be positive you never want to overdo it or else it may seem like you are “robotic like” because of how you talk and interact with people. When you talk to people on the server as staff you want to talk to them calmly to make the server seem welcoming and make the player want to return for that type of experience for them to enjoy. I want to summerize this more by saying that the SagePvP network has always been a fond memory of mind and that I never would forget the fun times of me helping players in chat and to always ask questions I didn't know about the server. When I ask someone a question especially a staff member they usually answer with quality respect and act like the actually want to help you, henceforth I want to become a staff member on SagePvP as quickly as possible.

How would I improve the players experience?:

Firstly, I would ensure that all support rooms are cleared and that nobody is looking for assistance before I log onto the server. The reason i want to do this is because the server is on the rise and I see numerous people needing help in the teamspeak but nobody is there to assist them at all times so I feel as though I would be a good candidate for that role. Secondly, what I would do is look into every “/report” to the best of my abilities to ensure that no player shall be cheating on the network. I want to explain by saying that sometimes I see cheaters slip through the staff teams watch and creep into the community and I want to ensure that this does not happen under any circumstances.

Dedication is vital for becoming a staff member because it actually shows that you care about the server and want it to succeed. Not only does it show that but it also shows that you represent the server in a positive demeanor

Having a strong work ethic can benefit the community because it tells the server you want to be there and you are there for the sole reason to be helpful to the players. I feel I fit this role because I tend to have a very positive attitude when it comes to this which will come in handy for this next point.

Positivity: Being Positive has a definite affect on how being a staff show and should act like because it allows you to communicate with the SagePvP community more effectively to see what issues are on the server. This can also come to play when talking to other staff members and ensuring that the keep assisting the community as a whole.

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Active member
give up*
This shows you aren't ready to become a staff member. As a staff member, you should be able to take criticism well. You have no dedication to become staff on the server. You said it yourself: 'Dedication is vital for becoming a staff member because it actually shows that you care about the server and want it to succeed.'. Please, show us your dedication.
Guess im not ready then, you said it not me
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