Denied (EU) - emi6y's Application.

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New member
IGN: (

- Discord / Telegram: I do have both and can be connected on them 24/7 since I do have both apps on my phone and so can be connected to them even when I'm not at my PC.


- My microphone: I use the Razer Death Adder and the microphone that comes in with it, I'm easy to hear and the microphone is of high quality.

- Times I can put into the server :

Monday - 4/5 h

Tuesday - 4/5 h

Wednesday - 3/4 h

Thursday - 4/5 h

Friday - 5/6 h

Saturday - 6/7 h

Sunday - 6/7 h

Do do you have any previous experiences:


HCBattles / HCRealms
HCBattles at the start was a small server then eventually grew and begun to get 10-20 Players everyday, Then they bought HCRealms I got into the staff team on the switch then I Resigned.

VerixPvP (Helper)
I do have some experience as a staff member, I've been a Helper on VerixPvP for a few months but quit after some personal issues. The server got around 300/500 players daily. and got alot of positive feedback while my stay at VerixPvP.

DusDavidGamesServer (Moderator)
I was Moderator on the DDG Server as we call that, It was a Dutch server with around 200/400 players, got a lot of positive reactions as me being staff. The server/dutch hcf/pvp community, unfortunately, died after a while, as did I as a staff member.

KitmapUS (Manager)
I Was Manager on KitmapUS made the staff application, Staff Guide etc. Then they shut down due to the secend owner when he had all the information.

AmberPvP (Trial-Mod)
Amber is a UHC Server that hasn't released yet.

Flame (Senior-Admin)
Flame was a HCF and practice server which I got senior Admin on, the server was very dead not getting even 5 players per day, so I Resigned.

Why should we accept you over other applicants:
You should accept me as a staff member since I'm a chill and flexible girl and also mature and dedicated to the server, as I want to keep the server as clean as I can even in some harder situations. As soon as I do get accepted I'm not here to waste time as I will put my time and dedication into to the server. I also speak fluently English and France this also works for me as being a translator, I can help people who are France or staff members who are dealing with a France person as I can translate or even take over the case. I also use TeamSpeak on daily so I also know how that works and need no explanation. as I said I'm just a chill and mature guy who wants to put my free time into the server, I really see this server with potential and I wanna be a part of the server and the staff team. I've also been playing HCF for a really long time and know all the rules/things about HCF. I find it important to have a peal of laughter in the staff team also with helping players, it can make some tight and annoying situations a lot better for both of us. I've been seeing/witnessing alot of people dying by un-legit ways as Cheaters, Rule Breakers etc. I am here to stop that and help as much people with these situations as I can. I've been in those situations and I know how annoying they may be.

Note: These hours are just based on minimum hours. It can be way more or a bit less. If times do get changed I'll notify it.

- Recording: I can record in pretty high quality aswell as this can be usefull for the server and providing proof to someone who got banned and does not agree with my decision as it can help me prove a point.

- Being able to multi-task: I feel like I'm a very gifted person, I can speak more than one language and I can multi-task without losing focus or concertation. I can help a user while I'm helping another user. This would decrease the number of people in the Teamspeak because I've helped people at a short period of time. Multi-tasking has helped me with a lot of situations because I've had free time in the end due to the fact that I've completed my task efficiently and effectively.

Maturity :
I Am the age of 15 and still very mature, I'm always being the positive person no matter the situation, Im always professional and talk in proper Grammer when talking to a player or a staff member.

As I mentioned earlier, helping people is one of my joys as a staff member. I'm helpful when it comes to a lot of things. When taking the responsibility of a staff position, people expect you to know all of the rules and know the answers to their questions and that's exactly what I intend to do as a staff member on SagePvp.

Loyalty :
I stay loyal to the server and will remain in my position regardless and always be of help.

I am a friendly person that likes to talk to everyone and is ready to help everyone that needs help. If someone is nice towards me then I'm always 100% there for him/her to help doesn't matter in which situation.
Why are you applying on SagePvp over other Networks:
I've been playing SagePvp for a very long time, I really enjoy the server and I prefer being staff on a hcf server than op faction etc, I know most of the players and staff on the servers so it would be enjoyable, SagePvp has a potential of being a big server one day, I'm currently a youtuber who enjoys recording/playing on Rival, it's very enjoyable and I think the players do think that the server is a enjoyable enviroment, SagePvp is a server with amazing staff, management and developer's, SagePvp has a nice enviroment which I'd love to be apart of to make sure the server is up and under control at all times, if theres any hackers or glitches I'll be the first one to help out or report the bugs, I'm always ready to help people at any time no matter the situation, I'm not rude at all, I understand people very easily, people can easily understand me, I have a good working microphone, I'm very active, I can get in Teamspeak quickly, I never abuse, if I see someone abusing I will instantly report it, if there's something I don't know how to handle I will ask a higher staff member, but I have experience with most scenarios, when I'm not on the server I'll always be on telegram and discord, I try to reply as fast as I can, I have alot of personal skill which I think will help me alot threw out being staff on SagePvp, I've been practicing ScreenSharing for a very long time to make sure no one gets false banned, I've dedicated much time into practicing about staffing most of my minecraft carrer was based on staffing on many small servers, I'm very good when working with a partner/team on a situation, I'm very cooperative and not greedy, as a trial-mod I'll put all my time into the server to make sure everyone is having the best experience they can't have on any other server to make sure they will come back!.

Can any staff members on the team vouch for you?

Additional Information?

I'm a really active girl that plays HCF, its really fun & I think SagePvp is really enjoyable because it has all the textures that an HCF needs.

Any questions and or tips leave a comment on my thread and or contact me through Telegram or Discord.


emi6y / Emily
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