Denied Erzx_'s Staff Application

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Known member
IGN (In-Game Name): Erzx_

Age: 15

Region (EU/NA/Other): EU

Do you have any previous staff experience?:
PvPTemple: Admin (players average: 100-300) At first pvptemple was a great experience for me, I've learned a lot & enjoyed my time there. improved my communication skills & ss skills. Reason of Departure: Server went under maintenance and never released & management started doing stupid things that I didn't like. Therefore, I've resigned. proof: -

Zonix: Mod (players average: 30-50) Didn't really learn much at zonix since it shut down once I became a Mod. However, I've Improved my chat moderation skills. Reason of Departure: The previous owner known as "Weirdkid" has griefed the server. Therefore, It has shut down & been merged into pvptemple. proof: -

UHCHUB: Mod (players average: 150-200) UHCHub was one of my best experiences, I really enjoyed my time there due to the staff being very friendly and chill. Also, They taught me a lot about ssing. Reason of Departure: I've resigned from UHCHub to take the chance to join Zonix. Proof: Trial-Mod (players average: 80-150) I was very excited when I first joined I had a lot of fun, Refreshed my memory of staffing & gained experience. Reason of departure: I didn't staff for almost 2 years, so my staffing wasn't the best. I did some false mutes & got demoted. Proof:

Synar: Platform-Admin (players average: 50-100) I had a lot of experience in Synar. I started by trial-mod and worked my way up to platform-admin. I've already learned a lot about being staff, being professional, dealing with people & SS. I started teaching Synar Staff once I got Platform-Admin Therefore, I have experience in teaching staff as well. Reason of departure: Owners gave Famous People Admin rank. Most of them were cheaters which I didn't like at all. Therefore, I resigned. Proof:

uDrop: Mod+ (players average: 30-50) uDrop taught me how to be professional, gave me a lot of ss methods, taught me how to use them & find undetected clients. Reason of departure: I used to have a semi-full-access account back then. I got staff on that SFA Account. Therefore, Owner got his account back & Griefed. Unfortunately, No one believed me and I got demoted. Proof:

Potland: Sr. Mod (players average: 15:30) Potland was my first experience. I've learned a lot there, learned how to be professional, calm, efficient, hard-working. Besides, I learned how to SS there. Reason of departure: Potland became Synar. New Owners, New Staff. Proof:

PvPCore: Staff-Manager (players average: 30-50) PvPCore was one of the most enjoyable experiences. I learned how to deal with toxicity, learned more ss methods, I learned some basic code. Reason of departure: Server shutdown due to Financial State. Proof: Unfortunately I can't find the owner anywhere.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:

I would like to become staff for a lot of reasons, including but not limited to:

Potential: I see a lot of potential in SagePvP. Additionally, I believe that SagePvP will become one of the biggest servers in the future.

Community: I like SagePvP community a lot. It is full of toxic-free players.

Give-back: I would like to support the community since they supported SagePvP. Therefore, I give back by giving them the best experience possible.

GameModes: SagePvP Contains most of the game modes that I mainly play. Aka HCF/KitMap. Therefore, SagePvP would be the perfect server for me.

Cheaters: I see a lot of cheaters on the server. Therefore, I would like to become a staff member to remove rule-breakers from the server & give players the best experience possible.

Experience: I've had a lot of fun while playing SagePvP. I also had a great experience with the staff team. I've heard quite a lot of things about SagePvP, nothing but great stuff. I've also played SagePvP for a decent amount of time. Therefore, I'm sure I will enjoy my experience as a staff.

Staff Team: Sage contains one of the best staff teams I've seen. Besides, I got some friends in the staff team. The staff team is very supportive & co-operative, I believe we will make a great team together.

Translation: I'm from Egypt & I know for a fact that there are some Arab players on the server who aren't able to speak English fluently. I would love to be able to support them.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
Maturity: I know I might be young. However, I would say I'm decently Mature. I'm not toxic & I don't act like a kid. I don't like immature people. Therefore, I would be improving players experience by being mature

Professionalism: I've got a lot of past staff experience, Therefore, I've learned how to be professional, speak with clients, how to deal with toxicity calmly, listen to people and take advice, not cry & get annoyed from criticism.

Efficiency: A good Staff Member Knows that Efficiency > Quantity Many Staff Members Tend to be online for countless hours. However, The most important thing is efficiency. Therefore, I've learned how to be efficient & Provide the best experience in no time.

Fairness: Let's say there is a problem: I would listen to both Povs'. I will go in-depth about the problem, try to understand the problem & Make sure I made the right decision. I always think twice before I make a decision.

Hard-Working: Overall, I'm a hard worker, I like to give all my effort into helping clients & Giving them the best experience possible. I think twice before I make a decision. Therefore, I will be making the right decisions most of the time & give out the best experience possible. I always tend to make the best out of everything.

Recording: I will be able to record proof for any punishment at a decent quality, which will ensure everything is correct & no one is being falsely punished.

Dedication: I tend to always do my best and provide the best. I'm always trying to learn new things & learn from my mistakes. Additionally, I'm addicted to this server. I want to bring the best out of it.

Kindness: Overall, I'm a kind person. I love supporting everyone with their problems as much as I can. I'm not toxic & I enjoy helping players.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
I would rate myself 9/10, everyone lies occasionally & that's how we learn.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)

Additional Information?:
JayR (aka Disallow) was the owner of both Potland & Synar.
Thank you for reading & have a good day :)
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Well-known member

decent app. I prefer paragraphs for why you want to be staff and how would you improve player's experience but that's just me.


Known member

decent app. I prefer paragraphs for why you want to be staff and how would you improve player's experience but that's just me.
Thank you for the feedback! I prefer to use sentences for such questions. though its personal preference at the end of the day. Is there anything else that I can do to improve my application?
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Established member
-1 Plagiarised some parts and got denied and then applied on sage!


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