End Server Abuse


I went on practice and grinded for hours of ranked nodebuff, and got somewhere around 1350 elo. Then, I face a blatant 5 block reach user who took close to 100 of my elo. I was really pissed because I had grinded an hour or more for that last 100 elo. I told him to kys, then got muted for 12 hours. Then I go into ts support to report the fucking blatant cheater. Staff say "ok ill watch him" then, after 30 minutes of playing, the cheater logs off, punishment-free. So basically this fucking blatant cheating loser took my elo and got 0 punishment while I got punished for being pissed over him taking my elo with cheats. This is fucking ridiculous because its extremely unfair that staff do ALMOST NOTHING about cheaters but they will mute very quickly. So basically cheaters can log on, making someone extremely mad, then the legit player says something that gets them muted, then a cheater logs off and bypasses and goes away flaw free leaving the legit player sad with a mute and less elo????? Please end this fucking abuse owners, staff are fucking useless at banning cheaters all they do is mute you quick and very slowly ban cheaters. Also if a mod+ bothered to ss him he would get banned quick. Instead its just useless mod and helpers that dont fucking do anything AT ALL. Owners and admins, this server would be a lot more like and better if abuse like this stopped. A lot of players cheat to have fun and make other players mad on sage. This is retarded and will make a lot of legit players quit sage and other servers like velt and viper. Do something about it for fuck sake.


I played on the account Lellabella90, the blatant cheater's ign is AZZ4RD. Also I would like to ask staff to give me elo back for another cheater, RussianTranslate, who took my 50 elo then got banned 20 minutes later. I wait in head staff waiting room for hours, no one ever moves me. Do something


Established member
Verus on top baby

We knocking all the cheaters out

Not like everyone on the scoreboard is with dat Glizzy squad

Whole lotta foenem gang shit with that private 3hunna x Glizzy client

18-20 cps clicker 3.1-3.3 reach 85-90 velo nigga