Denied Elive's Staff Application

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New member
IGN (In-Game Name):
elive (was Fingerbutt)


Region (EU/NA/Other):

Do you have any previous staff experience?:
Yes, I have previous staff experience with Minemen, I was there for about 4 months. Then, I resigned because of a lack of communication within the staff team, my ending position was Admin. I was also staff on Purple Prison for about 5 months. I resigned because of the population of the server declining rapidly, and disrespectful staff members. As well as all of those sounds, I do have my faults. I had 2 staff strikes before moving onto a higher-up position, because of my dishonesty. I was staff on a 2 other small HCF servers as well. AuxPvP, and VertxHCF . Both of them average around 40-60 players on site but we're both shutdown because of startup issues, where the owner got tired of the server and didn't want to try anymore. My ending positions were Admin on VertxHCF and Mod on AuxPvP. Being a staff member, especially one of a higher place, should have full honesty during all instances. Growing as a person, I have realized nothing good comes from lying or being dishonest.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I would like to become a staff member to help the community. Being a staff member there is a lot of responsibility. You're put in situations where you're supposed to do the right thing and satisfy players. HCF is a toxic community, as a staff member you need to have a lot of patience to deal with the things people say or do during staffing. Patience and responsibility go hand in hand, dealing with toxic people (being the HCF community) you need to have patience, focus on the point of the conversation and the player's concern, get off the topic of giving them attention to what they're doing is never a good idea, toxic people just want the reaction from you. Maintain on track and deal with the problem. If you are responsible for being a staff member, only good comes from it. You gain permission some people may be tempted to abuse or take advantage of, but that's not me. I would do the right thing in all situations and problems. Finding the solution is my main focus. I've been playing on SagePvP for a while now, and it's always fun, there are constant players on. No matter the time, people typing in chat, active staff members, and a good HCF server overall. I would love to go to the next step and become a staff member. I am very hard working. Working to achieve something is one of my passions, having to grind and work for something, not just game dedication, but in real life too, once I'm into something, I'm dedicated until the end.I am also very active. On the weekends, 8+ hours a day, but weekdays, with school, 4-6.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
I would improve players' experience by being active in Support Rooms, tickets ETC. Giving the correct punishment for rule-breaking players, helping in support rooms, screen sharing players who need to be, and so on. Making SagePvP a better place, as well as finding the solution to problems, are 2 things to focus on. If I were to be accepted, I would be extremely dedicated to the server, I would be active and always help in the community. As well as helping the staff team! Staff members that may not have the answer to a certain question, or how to respond to someone, never be afraid to ask! Be sure of what to do, before doing something wrong, and potentially messing up your staffing experience! Satisfying players' needs will be a thing I will always do.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
If I had to rate my honesty it would be an 8 out of 10, because no one is perfect. There are small spots in life where you lie, but in HCF there's no point in lying. You gain trust from players and staff members, gain a reputation for yourself where your a good person and can be trusted.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)

Additional Information?:
I was told to re-apply once I have changed my IGN, and met the application requirements.




Message me on telegram @deployable2 for more information.
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