Denied efef


Established member
IGN (In-Game Name):
My ign is Chaptr

I am 17 years old.

Region (EU/NA/Other):

Do you have any previous staff experience?:


Platform Admin
Platform Admin





Why would you like to become a staff member?:

I would like to become a member of the staff team because i believe i have what it takes to be staff on Sage. My past experiences in the community have helped me become who i am today, i know the ins and outs of being a good staff member such as being Active or Knowing how to Screen Share. I personally have been enjoying the community recently and decided to try and apply for staff.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

I'm a very hard-working person which will never think or believe in "giving up" I don't believe in that as it makes you look weak and if you do give up it will also mean that you've failed your task. I will help every single person I see that requests help, I don't mind if they're being toxic, annoying, or funny. I will bring plenty of suggestions in the future, help other staff members who are new to "staffing" or who are struggling with situations such as dtr evasion and it's a back and forth screaming, arguing and etc. It's a pain but it can easily be resolved, I do have strong leadership.
I am very respectful. Respect is everything, this shows that you care about a player or the member's problem. This is also with a player, they may become upset that you're either not listening to what they're saying or you're just completely ignoring them. I am a very motivated person and love to motivate others, if it is helping someone in TeamSpeak or in-game I strive to do my best to help and resolve their inconvenience.
I love to chat, and see what's going on with other players whether it be in-game or in TeamSpeak. I love to socialize with others as it makes the job much more fun and interesting. Making sure that you keep up-to-date with the community also eliminates any misinterpretations players or even staff may have of you. Furthermore, I want to become staff since I need to have the option to assist the server with developing and extending, if players realize the staff group is acceptable and settle on the correct choices then it will definitely profit the player's experience. Which would be crucial. I know causing the server to develop will be a test, however, the more I actually staff, I want to assist to an increasing extent. Moreover, I've in every case truly appreciated being staff on servers, HCF servers particularly, however. It gives me an incredible feeling of pride realizing that I'm representing a server. Being a staff part is about something beyond the label it gives you, it's tied in with having pride in the work you do and being completely devoted to it, I have a feeling that I'm prepared to do both of those things and that is the reason I've decided to apply now.
I'm generally excellent in a various assortment of circumstances and I see how to deal with them appropriately. This is because of all of my experiences as a staff member and others helping me out. I will follow every one of the rules while muting, banning, and warning a player on Sage. My inspiration is every one of the issues and toxic HCF networks particularly the ones that can end up with the server going bad or vanishing. I love HCF and helping individuals.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

10, I am extremely honest. I would never lie to any staff or players, and will always tell the truth whether I like it or not. I also always provide evident and clear proof for all punishments that I'm required to provide proof for.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)

Additional Information?:

Thank you for reading <3​
+1 great application, great staff member, very helpful!


Known member


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Well-known member
Re-used application,

Getting your friends to vouch your application doesn't seem like a good Idea to do.
