Denied DvDPlayer's staff application.

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Active member
Okay after looking at this. I was staff with him on CavePvP he resigned because we got offered a position at Centile and also wasn't having a good time. The management was off and the player base wasn't the strongest. The players were just a bunch of ddosers. I also do not believe resigning for the reason he did is unprofessional. Yes the application needs a bit of detail but he sucks at words and can explain himself easier with voice chats.


Okay after looking at this. I was staff with him on CavePvP he resigned because we got offered a position at Centile and also wasn't having a good time. The management was off and the player base wasn't the strongest. The players were just a bunch of ddosers. I also do not believe resigning for the reason he did is unprofessional. Yes the application needs a bit of detail but he sucks at words and can explain himself easier with voice chats.

Thank you!
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