Denied Dogyy [EU] Staff Application

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IGN (In-Game Name):




Region (EU/NA/Other):


Do you have any previous staff experience?:

MineMenClub - Mod


VanityMC - SrMod

DrasticPVP - Mod+

Why would you like to become a staff member?:

I like Sages community, because it is closer together and it feels more like a welcoming community to me. I have enjoyed playing on Sage for a while and I would like to help manage the server and look behind the scenes. I feel like the other servers are less personal and I dislike that. I saw people asking for staff to look at something or players having a question and they did not always have the opportunity to get an answer. I can be online a lot and I like to answer and help people so I think I can be a very good fit. I always try to answer all questions I get as persistent and correctly as possible. I enjoy seeing people happy and be grateful for helping them. I always try making them feel happy, trusted or helped even if I cannot always help them with their issue. I like to make sure players get all the help they need so they can play the game without any issues. Sometimes players do not report a rule breaker because they might think it will be ignored by staff-members or overlooked. I want to make sure players do not do this and report the rule breaker, because they hate the rule breaker’s behavior as much as I do. I dislike rule breakers, I think they ruin the experience of the players more than they could imagine. I want to make sure the players' experience does not become negative, because of a rule breaker. I always make sure I do not say and/or do stupid things when I have an exemplary function. I like to help people as much as possible. I do not have much experience, I have been a staff member on MineMenClub VanityMC & DrasticPVP where I learnt a lot, I am very mature and I know what I am doing. I like to improve myself as much as possible, doing so giving the players and myself a good time on the server. I am very active, not only on Minecraft, but also on Discord Tele and Teamseak.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

I am a very active player of the hcf community and have been apart of it for nearly 3 years+, I know how to staff effectively and have a lot of experience within doing so, I love the server and would really love for a chance to be able to better help people by becoming staff on the server. I care a lot and deeply about the community and believe I can make a difference in the SagePVP Community. I believe I can better help the community grow. I would improve the experience as I am online almost 90% of the time whether it be on discord teamspeak or in game. I am an experienced hcf player and staffer. I have Decent screensharing experience and know what it takes to be a good staff member. I am very mature for my age and know how to act professional. I have had high positions on other servers and have good experience with a lot of skills a staff member should have because of this skills like screensharing and knowing how to staff and moderate chat effectively are skills i possess and have the ability to use to better help the community and other players experiences. This will help the community as a whole.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

8, I believe I am an honest person at times, everyone lies occasionally and it is how I grow as a person

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)


Additional Information?:

From ireland, thanks for reading.​
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Established member
Hello sir, thanks for taking the time to create an application, but we won't be moving forward with it at this time.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks.
I would suggest using this time to add a lot more detail for your next application.

Kind regards.
- skracker
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