Denied DemonPots - Staff Application

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IGN (In-Game Name):


Region (EU/NA/Other):

Do you have any previous staff experience?:
Trail-Moderator - ValorHCF - 10-75 active players daily (Merged to CavePVP) Proof:

Media-Owner/Media Manager - AzialPVP - 15-20 active players daily (Resigned) Proof: Message @Turben on telegram.

Those are unfortunately the only experiences that I have proof of so that is all I will add to my application.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:

There are many reasons why I would like to become a staff member on SagePVP. I would like to become
a staff member on Sage because I would like to bring a big impact on the community in some way, and
I promise to be dedicated to my position and be here for a while. I have been considering this position for a while
now, and only recently decided to come to Sage. The only thing I want is to have fun, and help as many people as humanly possible.
I will be on at least 5-6 hours every day, and even help staff that would need help.
I have been playing Minecraft since MineHQ, and I have not really made a name in this community.
I would like to do that starting with Sage. I plan to be here at Sage until the Management does not want me
here any longer. Dedication is one thing, but loyalty is another. I will be 100% loyal to Sage no matter what
happens. I like to think of the SagePVP staff team as a family. That is a family that I would love to
be a part of. I am also pretty close to some of the Sage staff members, and I know some of them would love me on the team.
With all that being said. That is why I would like to become a staff member on the SagePVP network.,

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

If accepted I will be spending almost all of my free time working on Sage and being the best version of
myself. I will be there for anyone that needs help, and I am even pretty good at telling who is cheating or not.
I am also not just going to sit here and say I am one of the best staff members ever. The truth is I am not. I
am a unique human being who makes mistakes. I can not guaranty that I will not make a mistake, but I will
do everything in my power to prevent something like that. Sage means so much to me, and I would love to be
here as a staff member. I promise to tell the truth no matter what (Even if it gets me into trouble).
To me, honesty is one of the main traits a person should have when gaining responsibility like this.
I will always be mature in every situation given to me. The only time I am not mature is when I am with a close friend.
Besides that, you will always see me being mature. I am always working on myself and trying to help everyone that I
can no matter what. To me, Staff does not mean just having a name. It means being there for everyone. No matter who
they are. Even if I do not like someone. I am able to keep myself together and help them in a mature manner. With
all that being said. That is why I believe I would make a great staff member.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

I would rate myself a 9 out of 10 because no one is perfect.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)

No, sorry!

Additional Information?:
If you did not feel that I put much effort into this application. I understand. I am much better at speaking and explaining that way.​


Congrats, your application has been set to pending!

Please message @indent on Telegram to setup an interview time that suits you best.
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